Being 24 (and having only had one car) ive been playing with the idea of a classic car and a motorway muncher, but as the classic car world refuses to insure me on the one i was after i have decided to go for an all rounder!
i have no need to ferry around children or take rubbish to the tip, im still a student and have always been drawn to forester xt and fstis.
Insurance has dropped enough, 650 for the xt and 960 for the fsti which mean they come into price range of what i wanted to loan and spend.
The car will ferry me to and from uni, 6miles each way and do a 400 mile round trip liverpool-bath-liverpool every weekend or so, whilst i know mpg isnt great on these its more than acceptable on such a unsuspecting rocket ship.
i have never managed to see one in the flesh or have someone take me out in one, it would set my mind at ease to speak to a few owners and see their own foresters and if they are feeling generous, take me out for a spin in one.
Im currently based im portsmouth and would like to hear back from any owners that may be able to help me!