So driving home today and I hear a clinking noise like I have driven over a couple of link chain pieces. Anyway, continue to drive, no issue, accelerating up to 70mph in 4th and the engine loses power and engine light comes on! The car did not go into limp home mode and the car still running fine although not pulling as hard as normal.
Following diagnostics it would appear that the waste gate to the turbo has become Jammed half open/closed! I have been told it will be okay to continue to drive (although take it easy (should help with the fuel economy)) but I do need a new turbo!
My car is a 2006 hawkeye 2.5 wrx turbo, it has the standard td04 in at the moment and my mechanic has recommend bowling in place a td05. After some thoughts and advice please guys
current mods:
3" straight through stainless system exhaust
dump valve