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About robin61

  • Birthday 01/05/1961

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    Motorbikes, Rugby Union, Beer Drinking, Curry Eating. I enjoy a nice walk most days as well to work off the beer and curry.
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    Just Looking

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  1. robin61

    New XV

    Yes that is very good.
  2. robin61

    New XV

    We do too much around town stop / start driving so diesel isn't really an option for us. MPG isn't a huge issue because we're not covering a lot of miles. It'll be petrol or hybrid for me next time I change the car. I think maybe diesel has reached its peak and we will gradually see petrol turbo and hybrid cars becoming more popular. Think you are right about tax on diesel.
  3. robin61

    New XV

    Well the article seems to be fairly confident that they have been developing a hybrid. I'd consider one.
  4. robin61

    New XV

    Interesting article here on the new XV. With a Hybrid option. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/subaru/xv/94326/new-2017-subaru-xv-teased-ahead-of-geneva-motor-show-reveal?_mout=1&utm_campaign=autoexpress_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&tpid=420289999996
  5. I won' t be buying brand new I will probably go for something about 3 years old with low mileage. Too much depreciation buying brand new. I have been keeping my eyes open on prices on auto trader and there doesn' t seem to be a huge difference at that age. I think I would enjoy either car though so choosing is a nice problem to have.
  6. Yes I will be going for petrol auto as well. I don't cover a great deal of miles so can' t justify diesel plus as I do a fair bit around town I am concerned about DPF issues with diesel. I like auto especially around town and a decent ride height. Yeah I know fuel economy will not be great but really unless it' s ridiculous as i don' t cover huge mileages it' not a big problem for me.
  7. No bother. I must get myself one of these xv's either that or an Outback is what I fancy. Need to hand the company car back first though.
  8. Hi, Have a look at the post 'How are you guys finding the XV'. It's a recent one in this section. There is some info there about the optional space saver spare wheel.
  9. That is worth remembering. I had always just assumed you would get a really crap price from them.
  10. Yes a nice Xmas present David. Hope you have a large chimney.
  11. Very nice it looks good in that colour.
  12. That's very good.
  13. Sounds good out of interest what kind of MPG are you getting ?
  14. That looks fine Rizmo. You don't lose a lot.
  15. Thanks Brandy. It's always nice to have something a bit different. I like the fact you don't see very many.
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