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    Sleaford, England
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    legacy estate 3.0Ru

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  1. Hi, I have just fitted a new osr bearing hub on my 05 legacy 3.0 est, 05 yr. Had to totally remove from the drive box as it was stuck in old hub. All was replaced, but now.. Iam loosing drive..Engine revs up but don't get any were...and appears to be a slipping noise from that rear right wheel...like something not seated right.... Earlier today had awd light come on and lost all drive.. Let it stand..and went to clear any codes and there was none.. Re started and managed to get moving. Didnt have this problem before I changed hud/bearing. Any ideas please. Regards WIL.
  2. Thanks for replys guys.. surely if it were HG issuies id be seeing cross contamination some were?? or a drop in header tank level.... i always let mine have a few mins warm up... could be the weather.... i hope anyway.. lol
  3. Hi, heres one for you.... i use my car daily for work.. approx 40 miles aday traveling,, dont always poodel about and do give her a good blast at least twice aweek ... last week noticed a puddel under rear of car... these was water.. didnt think nothing of it... then middel of last week queing in traffic after driving for 19 miles , at 70 80 mph , so car was up to temp... she was condensating from exhausts..with in a min of queing , out side tenp was about 5-7 degrees... which i found strange as i have never noticed this before... then today i thought id give her a blast... went to over take few cars in sport mode... when i booted her the back window got covered in water like i was in a car wash and there was a big poof of mist form exhausts... ??? does not use water , or oil... So do the H6"s suffer with this as a norm from exhaust systerms??? I look forward to your thoughts?? mant thanks.
  4. My 05 Legascy est.... the sat nav voice seems not to work.... i heard her odd time.. lol.. as i was setting it up.. but never hear anything when on route, volume is on and up.... i dont have any instructions but i think i must be missing something thats not letting it work.. any ideas guys.. thanks Wil
  5. Ordered some for mine... takes 3 wks.. as there get them in from factory.. but woeth the wait...
  6. Hi, try S C Petch subaru...
  7. Hi, iam looking for some rear silencer connector pipes.... as i wish to put some aftermarket silencers on which have the slide on /weld up ends on.... but i can not find anywere the pipes that would re join to my standard Y section end on my 3.0 Ru estate... can anyone point me in right direction.. someone must make them up.... i look forward to your replys, cheers Wil.
  8. Hi, have just been offered these alloys for my 05 legacy Ru estate.....couple of things i need to know..... what the stud patten is...on my legacy? as these are 114.3 x5 .. they are 8.5J. iam led to beleave they are from a impreza wrx sti.... size is 245/35/19 zr with 4 brand new continental run flats... are these to big for my car ?.. or will they not fit anyway.?.. any info will be most welcome.... thanks Wil.
  9. Hi , put a new bulb in my nsf fog light today.... but while i was doing it i noticed a oil filter towards top of wing at front!!!!! can some one tell me what it is for... can find nothing on net or in book... cars a 05 3.0 Ru ....est ?? how the hell do you reach it to change it... thanks in advance.
  10. Hi, just wondered if anyone knows how to replace rear fog light blubs/bulbs... had a look but couldnt find anything.. i presume rear door pannel as to come off on estate..?. any info would be well accepted.. thankyou.
  11. My 05 3.0 Ru est as fault code P0420 - Catalyst Systerm Efficancy Below Threshold... Common code i hear with Subarus../ so think iam going to Replace both Senors..for starters.. but does anyone know how many wires mine might have to sencor as they can have 3-5 wires , just to save me getting it all jacked up to look.. Thanks Guys.
  12. Well been to subaru garage.. and it looks like my none subaru garage had put another conector together which is near data plug but just behind trim/mat.. apparently this is only connected when doing fine adjustments on engine.. but they did not disconect hence my central locking had stopped working and interior light was flashing.. .. Thats that sorted. Still had my managent light come on on way home.. but its the P0420 code.. Catalyst systerm Efficiancy Below Threshold... .Block one. So need to know how many wires the sensor/ sensors have on my 05 3.0 Rn.. as iam going to replace both i think.
  13. Hi, I have a 05 legacy estate.. today it went in my local garage(not a subaru dealer) as i had the traction control light on and engine light due to a rather qwick stop i had to do other night.. they all cleared ok and they said there was lots of old brake warning codes, so we are going to run her and see it it returns. Picked car up after garage had shut.. and i noticed the interior light was flashing..!!!! anyway pressed fob , and lights flashed but NO click from door locks... , interior still flashing.... had to unlock using key... car started ok , but no joy with central locking... pressed the lock key on door but that just bleeped.... had to remove interior light bulb to stop it flashing.. have checked fuse , its ok. I think theyve confused it by maybe opening with key ... ,its been working fine with no problems.. any ideas lads...
  14. Hi , Iam Wil. first time Legacy owner , estate 3.0Ru.. very happy , but have a few probs already.. hopefully you guys will sort me out.
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