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Everything posted by actionman

  1. i bought both mine from this seller. Although mine say Sigma on them. Seller didn't have the fobs with Subaru on them at the time. They're the same M series remote though so exactly the same apart from the sticker on the case http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Unused-Sigma-Subaru-style-M-Series-Alarm-Remote-Control-Fob-AC38-/151271743460?item=151271743460&pt=UK_Car_Accessories_Safety_Security&hash=item23387f9fe4
  2. Ah right. Just buy a 2nd hand fob off Ebay that's same as yours then you can program it yourself
  3. So yours has a separate fob? I'd presumed the remote was built in with the key because every Forester I've seen about that age has had remote & key together in 1 fob & not separate
  4. i got a printed copy of the Sigma manual with my Impreza. The Sigma fobs i bought also came with printed programming instructions
  5. http://www.scoobypedia.co.uk/index.php/Knowledge/ReprogramAlarmRemoteControls
  6. no mate you don't need an original fob if you have the code. My 2000W came with the code, just 1 key & no fobs. I made another key & bought 2 new Sigma fobs off Ebay then programmed them using the code.
  7. you can get the pin code from Subaru at a price. I can also get the code from my key suppliers but just for the Sigma systems. The problem that i've had with this before is that a lot of people change the pin code & when i order the code i get the code that was supplied with the car when new. I've been to do remotes for 2 Imprezas & the code i ordered didn't work as someone had changed it
  8. yes mate. The problems i have is when customer doesn't have the pin code to program the remote. I can't program new keys to remote locking without it. Transponder isn't a problem as my equipment doesn't need a pin code for that kind of thing. Then there's sourcing the remotes. I have to get new ones from Subaru. 2nd hand remotes pop up on Ebay but the 1 button remote keys seem to be the hardest to get hold off 2nd hand. When i do get hold of them it's a case of sticking the remote board in a new case along with a new transponder chip for the immob
  9. took me about 30secs to find this on Ebay ;) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151266125759?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  10. ok thanks guys, i have been looking at full kits with half moons
  11. right, as some of you know may know i've recently bought the Impreza back that I sold last year, albeit with a couple of problems that weren't there when i sold it! 1 of the problems was there was white smoke coming from around the turbo area. It did it on the test drive & it did it when i drove it home. It then did it a few days later when i had it running on the drive although it stopped after a few mins. Anyways i fired it up again today & it started smoking again so drove it round to mates garage so i could get it over the pit. What it looks like is the offside rocker cover gasket is leaking & dripping oil onto the manifold pipes. So what i want to know is what rocker cover gasket kits are recommended? Been looking at FAI kits
  12. bit of an update. Checked the wiring & connections again & everything is nice & tight. I moved the sender unit to a bit of a better location. Shut the bonnet, started the car, set off & the gauge burst into life & has stayed working the whole 30mins I was out in the car!
  13. oil is spot on. I serviced it just before i sold it & he's hardly used the car in that short time
  14. the wiring is very straight forward with just 4 wires 1 to switched live 1 to light feed 1 to sender 1 to earth i fitted boost gauge at the same time & that works spot on. I think what i'm going to do is remove the wore from the sender & fit it to the original pressure switch to see if anything changes
  15. well getting my impreza back has reminded me of my old pal, Zabas786! So i thought i'd look him up & low & behold he's back on Ebay. With the same account may i add! Not sure how that works!
  16. Hello all! i've fitted an electric oil pressure gauge to my W reg impreza uk turbo & it doesn't seem to be working properly! Basically the needle rarely moves from 0, every now again it jumps up to take a reading but then the needle will settle to 0 again! I've been through all the connections & everything seems ok & secure. The gauge I bought is a Tim & came with pressure sender etc. I used an adapter fitted where the original pressure switch sits so that that the original switch can still be fitted. Anybody got any ideas? faulty sender maybe? Craig
  17. no mate i hadn't checked that. When i had it running this aft it looked more like it was coming up from the under the intake pipe/manifold area! Anyways i do think i've got a bargain now so just going to keep my eye on it. Already ordered new front discs & boot struts
  18. well i removed the heat shield this aft & started it up while i stood waiting to see where the white smoke was coming from. Anyways for a couple of mins there was a little bit of smoke but nowhere near as much as before then once those first couple of minutes passed by it stopped! Had it running for easily another 10mins but still no more smoke. I then took it for a 10mins spirited drive to get the temp up then popped the bonnet when i got home & still no smoke! So a bit baffled but a also a bit happier with my purchase :D
  19. Yeh. Turbo will be getting removed at some point in the week. If I get time I'm gonna whip heatshield off on Monday to see if I can pin point where the smoke is coming from. Even if turbo needs a recon it's gonna be a steal. A local firm does it for £120-150 depending on which internals it has
  20. I know. He wanted £500 but noticed the white smoke coming out of the scoop on test drive. Opened bonnet & saw it coming from under the turbo heat shield. So offered £250
  21. Yeh god knows how he's managed to warp the discs. Got it back Thursday but not had hance to give it a good checking over yet as working darn sarf & not home till Sunday evening. Thankfully I only paid £250 for it :)
  22. well 3 months later & i've just bought my Impreza back! After all the work i did to get it something like it now needs more work! Lad that bought it has warped the new discs i fitted 6 months ago & they've not even done 500 mile, the boot struts have gone but more serious there's white smoke coming from under the turbo heatshield! doesn't bellow out but what does come out stinks of fumes! Needless to say i didn't pay much for it! Even if the turbo needs a recon i'm quids in!
  23. it's a 1999 Classic. As I said he bought it from his uncle that had it from new & his uncle says he 100% hasn't changed it. I told him if they keypad isn't disabling the alarm then it will probably be a problem with the alarm unit itself or corresponding wiring
  24. tested battery & cables. Was a good 12v even though it'd been sat for a week with the alarm going off a fair few times when he'd been trying to get it going. Yeh keeping very busy, been a little bit too busy this last few weeks. Been working down South & South West at the weekend so stayed down there over night. Covered 750 miles Sat & Sun going to different jobs. Impreza went last month. Pretty much got my money back. Sold all the goodies i bought for it separate. Kept the H&S catback just in case! lol! A local(ish) lad bought the car. Didn't even haggle so think i could've got a bit more for it! Not fussed though, got enough to pay for the course i'm doing with work at the weekend
  25. right, been to look at an Impreza today after the guy phoned me saying he was having immob issues. Basically both of his remotes have stopped working with the car so when he unlocks the doors with the key the alarm triggers. I tested both remotes with an RF tester & they're sending the correct RF frequency. Now he has the original pin code as he bought the car from his uncle who had it from new & the pin hasn't been changed. So when entering the pin code into the key pad it does nothing. The little LED flashes briefly but the alarm still rings it's nuts off & he can't start the car. Anybody had this before? Craig
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