Hi all, just want to say hi to all these fellow scooby lovers!
This is my 2nd Scooby, 1st one wished I never sold, so now here I am, I've only convinced the misses to let me buy a new Impreza. Due to buying a house too at age 24 I've settled for a GX (I know, I'm ready for the abuse) as it is all within the price range I can sensibly go while at the same time owning a new house (without the missis cracking my head in XD)
So here a pic of my old Scooby,
Which nobody new was a GX XD
And my new one, which I'm in the process of starting to change, to be "similar" but better (as my mate had my old one before me and did most of the stuff to it) as it will be my own mark on my car. Got a nice shopping list already =)
So yeah, Hey guys & gals