Hi guys, brilliant wow thank so much good info. I didn't Sandals but it had a cone filter installed when bought it, exhaust is straight through - no cat if that makes a difference. Nothing else done to the engine that I know of bar a dump valve and some pink silicone hoses (going to change these!).
I will have a look at the colour sticker on mine when I get back from work, might have to quiz some more if I get stuck. Better order one this weekend. So glad you told me about the different versions!
After I get this fixed and she's running right again I'm going to have to think about what I wanna do next, don't wanna spend big bucks atm but really would like to maintain and future-proof it, possibly try get some slight gains in power just nothing that's going to kill the engine though. Talked to my mate from work who I bought it off the other day (he had it a couple of years and was very reluctant sale as he loved it but needed the money for a new van for work). He said in the past year enginewise its had a oil change, new oil filter, new spark plugs. Anyone know what else may be worth getting check or replaced? I like cars and do a bit of exterior stuff but not mechanical in any way really. One thing I can think is the cambelt - he doesn't know when it was done last. Don't know how much I'm looking for this to be honest or what else would be worth getting done, prices etc.
Sorry for all the questions! Just want my scooby to be on the road long term as its a dream car :)
I am also curious about remapping and how much/where to get this done, its an import and no cat so I'm guessing this would be beneficial in power and with the difference in the Japanese/English petrol? I read somewhere that you can damage your engine by using english fuel in an import but not sure on the truth of this. I started off using super unleaded every time but now using it every other fillup. I also don't know on the effects of not having the cat, I read somewhere else this could be damaging in itself.
Any help greatly received, eager to learn what I can about these great cars