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    Fast cars
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    Impreza turbo 2000

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  1. Dose resetting the ecu wipe a remap ?? 👌🏻
  2. Makes knocking noise while cranking engine wont fire up unless bump started replacment the only way forward i think 😂😂😂😝
  3. 99 turbo 2000 will have a look read up on the morse code like diagnosis will keep u posted not up to speed fully with it all yet all fun n games at the moment pain in the back side tbh 👌🏻
  4. Defos be nice to get it all working properly thanks sb before starter motor startered playing up was having problems starting it up was taking two three plus times to fire up took off all earth points and sanded them for good ground and took battery off for a bit seemed to work well a bit better then i checked my battery and alternator voltage they were fine cleand coil pack connections to ht leads to then checked power to the crank sensor read 0.00 so found one reason but would fire some times and not at all is it normall for the wiring loom to be in between intercooler and manifold now theres a knock from engine wen trying to start asuming its a failed starter but starts first time with a bump start then squeaky belt pretty sure its the power steering belt 😬
  5. Bushes probs droplinks n tracking pmsl
  6. thanks
  7. Hi people not long bought my first impreza turbo 2000 very nice car looking to pick ur brains im after front shocks and springs and a starter motor someones done a diy job and took top level off spring in the hope of lowering it the rides shocking and very poor handling apart from that what a machine very happy thanks all 😉
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