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  1. Right an update. The remote plip is indeed an M30 alarm. It did however have MPT1340 on the reverse of it. However I managed to find a used plip on ebay and programmed it in. :) I replaced all 4 spark plugs and leads. They were a bit of a bugger but not too difficult. The CV boots... now then. I posted a while ago about a burning smell I had coming from the car. well turns out cv grease on a hot cat will stink like a gud un. I replaced both front inner cv boots. After a couple of drives though they kept popping off! I think ive got them to stay on now. I HOPE. I also got the car tracked up and wheels balanced. Much nicer on the motorway now. Unfortunately I never got time to do the cam belt. All the work I did above was done in the pouring rain on my week off from work amongst trying to have a break. for info my foz is a 2.0 turbo on a w reg (1999) The car is in priddy good condition for its age and from the looks of things well maintained by the previous owner.
  2. Cheers lads. Ive gone and bought all the parts, including a water pump as a precaution. Ive seen a few videos on doing a EJ cam belt and ive done a few on other vehicles before but never on one of these so any tips would be nice. Also on doing the CV boots. Ive done plenty before (its one of my least favourite jobs in the world to do) but any pointers? Are the pot joints held in by a drift pin at the g.box end? As for power id probably be happy with anything over 200hp.
  3. Hi everyone. Ive not posted much on this forum but I thought id give a quick update on what the forester is wanting...... money. She wants my hard earned money! Cam belt & water pump, x2 front inner cv boots, plugs & leads and wiper blades. All in parts are going to cost me around £300. Ive also dropped a Bo**ock by dropping my key fob in a puddle. Ive tried drying it out and replacing the batteries but I think she's a gonner. I need a new MPT 1340 single button, single LED fob. Does anyone know where I can get one? Ive hunted ebay and amazon and I just keep finding crap. Once all the parts and money has been spent, I will be looking at a few performance mods. Maybe a cat back system and a remap. I already have a K&N and a performance back box fitted. Does anyone have any other ideas that are worth doing to get more power from the 2.0 turbo unit? Suspension and wheels are standard. I may change the wheels but Id like to keep the standard suspension as its used as a daily, long trips and off road use. Any tips on the cam belt and CV boot replacement? Ta very much Matt.
  4. Hmm possibly. I have changed the back box. Ill have to have another look.
  5. Oddily I also seem to get a smell of burning rubber when reversing, and only when reversing. I get a smell from the engine when ive been hammering it but I can understand that and its a different sort of smell. I have had a look underneath and cant see anything rubbing, leaking or out of place. I need to see if I can get the pollen filter out (if it has one) and see if that maybe causing it.
  6. Hi everyone. This is the first Subaru ive owned. Im actually a bif Mitsy fan but a forester ticked more boxes than any other car in the market. Ive got a black s-turbo model. W reg on just under 130K. The previous owner was actually Blackburn rovers football club. Well more specifically the clubs owner. He apparently bought it for his grounds man to ferry the dogs around his estate! Which is why it now smells of wet dog inside. However its not in bad nick. In the last three years I think its covered less than 500 miles and been stored in a heated garage. However this hasn't stopped the rot from slowly eating the !Removed! end and up in the rear struts. Its a little slower than my old CZT colt but it motors along nicely enough. Im not sure if to tune it slightly or just leave as standard. I would like a little more noise because I love that boxer rumble and although im a gown man I still love the noise of a dump valve! Im not sure if models of this year (1999/2000) can be mapped or not? I think it should be 170BHP. Id be happy with around 200. I think the only thing ive found not working is a NSR speaker and the clock. If that's all I can find wrong on a 16 year old car then thumbs up. One slight concern is that i have no service history of a cambelt being done. I could try and ask the previous owners or remove a cover and check the belt itself. It does however look like it has been well maintained throughout its life. Recent signs of oil changes and a few newer looking components fitted. Matt.
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