Hi folks I;m new to all this subaru stuff just bought my first forester last week a 2.0 x 04 model very pleased so far looking forward to being a part of the forum.
Hi I'm Going to get some new tyres for my forester for the winter in the past i have put BF Goodrich AT's on my motors and found them very good what you thoughts on the forester i was going to stick with the standard size tyres.
Hi stants Its a type of tv screen about the size of an ipad it folds out like a sun visor when you press a button. The reason i ask is that the colour of the plastic cover matches the interior of the car perfectly .
Hi i have just bought a 54 plate 2.0 x and there is a drop down screen in the roof between the front seats is it a subaru part or is it an after market part.