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    impreza turbo 4wd

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  1. thats buggerd me up mate car wont fire up thanks for the thread anyway mate, i'll come back to it of needed :)
  2. The 2 black plugs and 2 green ones go together under dash in driver foot well ??
  3. Hey guys me again, i had trouble with scooby turning over but not firing up, my mate plugged his machine into ecu and there are no faults coming up, should i put my old wiring loom back on as i've been reading your comments about the immobiliser shutting down the injectors even tho fuel is getting through, tried starting it again earlier and its attempting to fire. Also someone has said reset the ecu.... still scratching my head lol
  4. hi mate have you got the problem sorted??
  5. hi mate as you look at your RH bottom pulley ur 180 degres out, should be a faint mark/notch on your belt cover to the side of the pulley.
  6. thanks gambit, hi bip yes still running the same ecu, bought the engine from a scooby fanatic down south and he said they where the same until the 98 model where there is more teeth on the crank sprocket so he said..... i've checked the part numbers on my 95 and its the same as the 97 lump i've put in,i'll keep trying lol
  7. hi guys n thanks for the welcome :)
  8. hi jay762 and steve.. not had any checks regarding codes and yes an immobilliser is fitted
  9. hi all... i've got a impreza 2.0 turbo on a 95, i've had to change the engine and the one i got is a 97.. trouble is i've had to use my old wiring loom for plugs etc... it started once and ran for approx 30 seconds then cut out.... i've put new cam and crank sensors in but nothing, it turns over and thats it, any help would be grateful
  10. i'm robbo and a new member so hi to everyone :)
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