Hi, yes I'm a newbie, on here at any rate, but have been a lifelong Subaru fan and there is not much I haven't worked on over the years. I currently run a late 2010 2.0 Forrester with the flat four Boxer Diesel engine. I am always being asked by customers how i find it and whether they should buy one? Now that's a subjective question, because we all know that every make of car has something that folk won't like about it, even those that have an opinion...... but have never actually owned one themselves ! .... My own vehicle has done nearly 90,000 miles of which i've covered around 40,000 of those both here and abroad..... Since day one of owning it, it has "knocked and rattled" from cold, ( which is why the customer got rid of it and I aquired it ) I changed the tensioner (only slghtly better) I changed the oil every 5,000 miles ( no difference ) I changed the injectors, waste of time ... I ran Slick 50 for a year, marginally quieter, or was I just kidding myself ? .....in the end though, even i stopped worrying and just used it, and guess what ? Nothing happened.....it didnt blow up.... it didnt get any worse, it didnt use any more fuel, in fact it has never let me down, and yet three years later and 40,000 miles of hard driving, it still knocks like a hammer on a block of metal for the first 5 minutes or so after start up.....then as suddenly as it came....it disappear's ....and all is silky and smooth, and quiet for the rest of the day, and continues to be as I write this .....So, whats the point of this post? Only to say that sometimes even us so called mechanical professionals can over worry something that actually isn't a worry at all.... its just accepting and living with the fact our vehicles are sometimes not as perfect as we would like them to be, be that through design or otherwise....Subaru are indeed a left field choice, not to everyones liking, they can be a strange and complex beast at the best of times....but I'm growing more and more attached to my "not perfect" mode of transport, in a normal world, engines with problems tend to start quiet and get progressively noisier as the problem increases..... with Subaru and this particular engine it simply gets quieter ! .....or is it just mine ?.... Happy driving 2018.