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Bored at work and looking at bits for my scooby... dangerous combination.


Just throwing it out there to see if anyone has a non-resonated centre pipe (2.5") and a decat up pipe that would fit my blob. 


More interested in the centre pipe as i wouldn't need a remap to benefit (altho this is on the cards).


Can't promise I can buy straight away... in the process of moving house but if you have the bits and are willing to wait, I will def buy.


Not a whole bunch happening on eBay so thot I would try here :D


Edit: Forgive me for being a complete moron... I thot i was in the "Parts wanted" section.....


I have a non resonated centre pipe (afterburner) for sale. I fitted it but missus wasn't happy with the noise so came straight off. Been fitted for 10 miles max. Was fitted to my hawkeye but will fit a new age. Let me know if your interested.


Would you mind waiting until the beginning of May? Need to wait until pay day... If you're happy with that, I'll take it off your hands :D


Yea no problem mate, just sent me a message when you have the funds, will keep it aside for you!

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Centre pipe received, looks great! Hoping to get it fitted beginning of next week! Cheers again!

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Nice :) let the burble begin :D Typical though had a 2.5 center section and a resonated section both fr sale few weeks back :) but better choice this one I think :) 


I've got the gaskets and spring bolts so I'm ready to go... just need my brother to help me fit it!

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Always handy to have a 2nd pair of hands. Reminds me I should speak with Dan from here see if he needs hand with his car been off the roads a month now :( 


I've not driven my scoob in a few days and I miss it... driving the wifes car to work since it's a reasonable distance but god, a 70hp Yaris is a yawn-fest! 

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