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Leak in roof


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After the heavy rain I saw a puddle of water on the boot floor protector on the left side close to the boot subwoofer location (as you look into the boot). Feeling around, it's damp on the headlining in the left corner directly above (where the plastic trim meets the material lining. I'm assuming the water is coming through where the roof rails are screwed in. It's only happening on one side, that may be because I generally park on the left hand side of the road though. Anybody had this or know a quick fix?

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Sunroofs usually have 2 drains, 2 each side, one going forward down the A post and discharging behind the front wheel; the back drain goes down the C post and probably (not sure about Fozzies) through the area around the subwoofer and then out via a little flap underneath the car behind the back wheel. When you've got the SR open, trickling a little water into the gully on the "faulty" side should result in that water either a) soaking the headliner or b) dripping onto the ground behind the back wheel. if it doesn't emerge onto the ground, it's probably the leak. To access the pipe, the headliner will have to come down between the B and C post for inspection. The drain may be either blocked, in which case clearance may be by air hose/wire/sucking/whatever; if it's not blocked, there's likely a break somewhere obscure and inspecting behind the headliner is called for.

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