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Hi All,

I joined the forum yesterday - but I'm in my 70s and have been owning Subaru Justys for about 10 years now - had one Mk 2 1300 cc, and I'm now on my 6th Mk 1 -  a 1200 cc from 1994 with the EF12 injected engine. Great little cars and I wouldn't be without one, especially for towing my trailer full of sheep around the farm.

Now - a problem I've not encountered before - the electronic distributor has shed one of its little coils. Anyone else experienced this? Came to an instant halt of course - and now need either another distributor body - or some advice on how to repair the old one. Are these coils replaceable? and are these distributors used on any other vehicle? I believe Suzuki made a three-cylinder engine - I wonder if they used this distributor?

I've searched breakers all over the country but no luck so far.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated.


thatolebluejusty in Gloucestershire


Welcome on board. 

My knowledge of this is very limited, sadly. Cool little cars though. The Suzuki Swift was the equivalent to the justy, but I believe it was only the later mk2 that was the same..

eBay will definitely be your friend here. I believe this is the part you need... 




Thanks for your reply WideSam,

No - sadly that part listed on eBay is from a Sumo - and is not electronic - and won't do the job. I had already looked at it. It's from an earlier generation engine - probably a carb. model. 

I'll take some photos of the Distributor I'm talking about and post them here ASAP.



Hi, everyone - especially WideSam,

As promised here is a pic of the innards of the Justy EF12 distributor. (I pinched the pic from an eBay listing by an American supplier - 'cos it's better than any photo I could take).

At the top and bottom of the photo are two electro-mechanical components consisting of two parts. The square plastic housing holds a coil of thin copper wire (which is what has unwound itself on my distributor) Next to that is a metal plate which is 'swept' by the three pointed lobes of the lower rotor - and these obviously trigger the three sparks for the cylinders.

Above the lower rotor is another with a single pointed lobe - which 'sweeps' the other (identical) component - once every rotation - the one at the bottom of the photo. Now what does this second component actually do? Does it operate the rev counter perhaps? And does it also control the advance/!Removed! system? 

It would be very tempting to just replace my broken component with the other one - but would this cancel out the automatic advance/!Removed! system?

Any help gratefully received!


That0leBlueJusty in Stroud

justy ef12 distributor.jpg


Hi, All,

Well, it's now Thursday & I decided I just had to do something to get ThatOleBlueJusty moving again, so I did swap over the undamaged pulse sender unit and discarded the damaged one altogether. RESULT - instant sparks and the car is running again, however - the 'check engine' warning light is now permanently on, and every half mile or so the ECU gives a beep - just to remind me that all is not as it should be.

SO - does anyone out there know what the topmost pulse sender unit actually does? the one that triggers every revolution of the camshaft?

Cheers from Stroud.



Do these have the on board basic diagnostic thing for your check engine light? Two plugs under the dash that you plug together and it flashes in sequence to give you the code... if you can check that it should give an indication of what’s wrong, thus what it operates? 


Thanks, Sam for that hint - I will certainly check out the diagnostic sockets. On this car they are both under the bonnet. However - I have now ordered a remanufactured Cardone Distributor body from a supplier in Kansas (at great expense!) So I'm back on the road for the moment and when the new part arrives it's a five minute job to swap it into the car.

Cheers, now,



Glad to hear you’ve got it sorted! Although these are fast becoming classics, they were never really popular enough in their prime for people to have kept the demand for parts, hence your predicament. 

I hope you can keeping it running for many more years

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