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New member, looking for his next scooby


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Evening all! No, not a rozzer, just a citizen searching for the next scooby. 

Owned a Legacy 3.0R Tourer for several years, was doing a lot of country miles so after 200K and more brake-discs and wheel-bearings than I want to think about, I sold my leggie Leggie to a Porsche specialist as his winter run-around. An MOT check tells me it's been off the road since 2018. Shame.

I've dallied with some company cars since - Merc 350e, Tesla 3 - but following a change in career found myself without a car at all, so picked up an A6 Avant for little money, now developing lots of problems (hence my forum name).

Misty-eyed at the thought of trouble-free premium-Japanese motoring, here I am, seeking advice on what to buy and what to look out for. My heart says JDM twin-turbo Legacy, head says 2.5 Outback. I like the 2005 version but actually prefer the shape of the pre 2004, and who doesn't love a bonnet-scoop?

So, any advice gratefully received, and thanks for having me!

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