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My Subaru won't let me drive it

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Hello.  I hope someone might be able to help me.  I've owned my Subaru for 9 years now and it has been great.  Today, however, I was about to pick my kids up from school and the remote wouldn't work, so I thought it was the Battery.  I got the spare remote and it still wouldn't work so I decided to open the door with they key.  The alarm started and didn't stop for about a minute.  It won't let me start the engine and the alarm keeps going off everytime I try anything.  I would be really grateful for any advice.  Thank you very much.

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Hi mate welcome to S.O.C 

Is there any overhead power lines at all we have had a member or two with a problem with interference. Only way to disarm the immobiliser would be to use the keypad if you know the code which then should disarm it for you to start if it is that.  

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