Hi everyone I recently joined the subaru owners club, and just wanted to share some of the specs of my car aswell as plans I have for the near future. So I recently became the owner of my now pride and joy 2003 ej20 subaru wrx bug eye at 17 years old, it it is currently equipped with a a full set of original prodrive wheels, a prodrive rear spoiler (dont know if she was a prodrive from factory because I dont have the ppp certificate), an aftermarket stainless steel exhaust system (which I must say sounds lovely), aftermarket front grill and an aftermarket bonnet scoop , and a few other small bits and pieces but besides that she is relatively stock. I plan on changing the front headlights to prodrive headlights aswell as paint the front grill black, do the dom mod to it, aswell as get a killer B oil pickup, I then want to upgrade to pink sti injectors aswell as an uprated fuel pump, install a BOV and get her remapped to a safe but fun 280whp, and then see where I can go from there with her, any recommendations would be much appreciated and any comment on the blue lady (reference to jim Morrisons gt500) is welcome, thanks.
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