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Everything posted by Gazzer

  1. Thanks for that. I checked the voltage at the TPS before I tried what you said and it was at .21v. I rotated it slowly each way and the engine note changed but didn't help the tickover. I've also changed the temp sender at the front of the engine last weekend. Is there another one I cannot see? Ordered a new coilpack today (expensive son of a b###h) and HT leads. Next is look at the fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator.
  2. Thanks Geoff. Hopefully get the 99 running better soon. Just got to keep at it.
  3. Thanks for the welcome. I have 3 projects tbh. The two scoobys and a 1987 camaro in bits. But who's counting.
  4. Hi all. 1999 WRX with idling problem. Only had the car about 2 weeks and i will admit it didn't run right when i got it. It had an issue where if you had a light throttle applied like around town or just cruising along there was no finesse to the accelerator and it was either on or off. If you put your foot down it would run fine but then if you back off it was as though the throttle was missing a position if you understand what i mean. So i put it down to the TPS being worn out. Also it was idling quite hi (around 1500-2000 revs). I then purchased a good second hand throttle body assembly of a running impreza that had been in a rear end crash. I drove the damaged car around the yard before pulling the throttle body assembly off and it drove fine. Fitted it to mine and the throttle light running position is now fixed. But now it doesn't idle at all. When i removed the throttle cable from my car i noticed it was tight and there was no slack so i am assuming someone had tighten the cable up to mask the idle issues. There are no fault codes present. I have replaced the MAF (twice for new ones), Lambda sensor, cleaned and checked the IACV, changed and gapped the spark plugs and done ECU reset after each item has been replaced and gone for a long drive. The throttle body is also clean. It just wont idle and it feels like its running rich as the spark plugs are black and sooty. Any ideas as i cannot afford to pay extortionate garage costs and want to fix this myself. Any help would be much appreciated.
  5. Just thought i'd say hi. I recently got hold of a 1995 Impreza WRX that had been sitting locked away in a garage for nearly 4 years. Needless to say it needs some work but starts and drives great. So its a bit of a project. I then got offered a 1999 Impreza WRX a couple of weeks ago with mot and on the road for a reasonable price so i sold my Toyota Hilux and purchased the 99 impreza. So now i have two of them both needing work but the 99 has got major issues with tickover. So i may be asking some daft questions later on in the relevant forum areas. Gary
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