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  1. I know this post is more than a year old but there's a Sumo windscreen on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335800606869?_skw="Subaru+Sumo"&itmmeta=01JKGSWJ1JMK3YSMNGFEKH1TAR&hash=item4e2f46a095%3Ag%3AdJAAAOSwJ9hnpN6R&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKm1JIBBFy2hXrgET%2FZQWZEx73VH1sT4cJ3I5HP4ao3YOO7D5F8NGrGIoSfnBNhsg9c4SnITg0yzSdi7MkRUJAZtrZm9etFo%2BetPOiVaw%2BDH%2F6lHYsUfxQGaX0a7W1M935F6OlKkJyt%2BGWDAvyn1wnpdT7TZRhOHmf6z4lL6n%2FiWu--h0EB6yUUnFTKNQQgmf8vIf9y331iKuD1%2FDBkhwwcPeSNwo9QppHZvBz0ltBjfdp1ZnEB1QQ0rZW%2FqGbP1WQGuyncxmKxdOFpCgU0YHU26v%2BHNqF72qbQ5YMOen8rw%2BA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_Cg8pmcZQ&LH_ItemCondition=4
  2. Hi Lawdog, I think this is the manual you need, this one sold on eBay a few weeks ago. They come up for sale occasionally: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUBARU-E-SERIES-SUMO-LIBERO-E10-E12-2WD-4WD-1990-1992-FACTORY-WORKSHOP-MANUAL/333623685605?hash=item4dad8571e5:g:LsEAAOSwY3VefNgF For genuine new Subaru spare parts I've used this garage in Scotland, and they have always been very helpful: http://www.sandsservices.co.uk/
  3. Hi, there's one on eBay at the moment, search for 'SUBARU E SERIES...' it's a long title, all in capitals. It's a bit pricey at £99.99 + £3.50 postage (at least the postage is cheap, it should be about £15 because these manuals are heavy). I might have a spare one somewhere that I could sell cheaper, I'll have a look.
  4. Hi Yorkie, I have a spare speedometer, photos below. It's a bit dusty inside but I think the overlay's in good condition and should clean up nicely. Yours for £20 inclusive of postage if you want it. I could put it on eBay if you like, or we could sort out another method. Send me a private message if you're interested. Cheers.
  5. Hello El Creepo and Nigefen, I don't know if you're still around but I have a 1992 4WD Sumo that I've been (very slowly) fixing up for a few years. I still have a lot of welding to do but I'm hoping to get it done this year. I've got a mountain of spares with some duplicate parts that I could swop or sell, including service manuals. Message me if there's anything you need, if I haven't got it I might be able to point you in the right direction. I'd also be very interested in buying a Sumo that's already on the road, if you're thinking of selling. El Creepo - I'm sure you've got the sump done by now, but it's possible to weld them (they need to be bolted down to a board first to prevent distortion). There's a guy in Germany who does it - for example see this page on his website http://liberalix.de/html/checkliste_liberokauf.html (he runs a German owners club and has a lot of good information).
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