It's gone to far for a forced re-gen. We need some software to tell the ECU to go back to factory limits due to pressure sensor failure. The DPF is cleaned and fine.
I think if I have understood it correcty, that when the garage plug in diognostics (because the lights on the dash are still on) it comes up with DPF LIMPHOMEMODE.
I desperately need some help. My car is currently in the garage and they have phoned me to say that my Legacy still isn't working. The problem he said was this:
DPF pressure sensor has been replaced.
Soot contents level 154%
But they have blown air through the pipes and it's flowing through nicely so the pipes are clear. They are looking for someone who can get an override code?
Many thanks in advance
yes Tidgy it's the correct picture of the unit I have in my Subaru. So it's aftermarket, hmm must have been put in by a Russian person then although I'm only 3rd owner of car and I knew the second owner so must have been first owner
Thanks anyway
Thanks Shms
I have been able to set it to the uk but it defaults back to Russia when I hit navigate after putting in the uk address and it tells me how to get there from Russia lol....
This is the unit, I think it is original. The top gps button has an sd card behind it. But are you saying I could get a disc to update it?
Thanks for your reply btw.
I've just bought my first Subaru and I love it. It's a 2010 Legacy. But I cannot get the navigation to work because the home town starting point is in Russia. I've tried everything and my techy son has had a look too. Does anyone know how I change this? I noticed today there is a mini sd card in there. Is it anything to do with this?