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Iain-WRX last won the day on November 1 2013

Iain-WRX had the most liked content!

About Iain-WRX

  • Birthday February 25

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  • Interests
    Motorbikes and now my WRX :)
  • Subaru Model
    Impreza wrx 06

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  1. Happy Birthday Iain-WRX!

  2. I would like to wish each and everyone on this Forum a very merry Christmas and I hope Santa brings you what ever modification part and plenty of power upgrades that you have put on your wish list :) Oh yeah and Gambit more unwashed knickers and a new gimp suit ;) Iain-wrx Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Bring it on :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I get the impression someone can't wait for the snow, now who could that be? Just don't tell the missus aye ;)
  5. Lol would of been better if it was security at least you wouldn't have the drive home with them :)
  6. Coming to a car park near you ;)
  7. No can't say I saw anything, oh I know why just remembered I was out on Xmas do to be honest can't say I was able to see anyway ;)
  8. Iain-WRX


    Hahaha lmfao wtf, when was the Sabaru/Vauxhall released that's the first one I've ever seen lol, oh yeah he's parked on double yellows cause he thinks the car is camoflaurged ;)
  9. That's a shame if you would of said yes I was going to ask if I could send you a picture of my car and a list of items i wanted to see added to the car lol :)
  10. Huh I can only dream of being able to do something like that! I refer you back to PM Gambit lol ;)
  11. I've just had to wipe down the IPad drooling all over it at the rarest 22B of them all, not just at that car but the three rally cars sat behind it WOW if I could have anyone of those on the road! :)
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