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Everything posted by Fuggzy

  1. Thought I'd get a less special scoob, same shape as mine but a wrx estate maybe. More a case of what if at the mo :(!
  2. Would anyone be interested in buying my spec D?? I'd be open to a good offer. Lots a paperwork n stuff with it, tax and mot. Scooby clinic back box and HKS panel filter otherwise standard. Ill throw in a decent new stereo for it too. Which is brand new. Has all the cool extras, centre diff controller with lock, intercooler water spray etc. just had £700 worth of EBC discs and pads all round. And 2 new tyres on he back. Offers
  3. The pedal feels great, always has. Loads of feel. It's just the god awful noise, however it is getting better. I drove it today and it made hardly any noise, only a squeal when they were cold. And despite the problems the brake are now immense, I still haven't buried the pedal as I'm taking it steady with them. But even with light use they're twice as strong as they were before, I would happily advise other people to get the full EBC set of brakes. P.s. I don't know if the for sale thingy is working yet, but does anyone want some coilovers? Brand new still in the box. I got them from scooby clinic
  4. Yeah, I've always wanted to be an engineer !! Embarrassingly I'm the first one to put my hand up when questions are asked lol if only I'd been this switched on when I was at school lol
  5. I've had the discs and pads fitted, feel great. Even straight away you could feel the difference. After driving it home the car didn't move for a few days, but when I drove it I have a constant grinding noise coming from he front. And the ABS light keeps coming on. When I had some new pirellis slapped on I had a look while the wheels were all off and getting balanced etc. and it looked to me that the pads were in contact with the discs on the front. Almost like they were being applied. I rotated the disc using the studs and it was incredibly stiff to turn. But not impossible to turn. The dude at kwik fit said it should be fine. I'm not sure if it's this special coating that EBC use to bed the pads in or I have sticking calipers etc. but I did notice that when the guy was fitting the discs and pads that he didn't take the brake resivoir cap off when he was pushing the pistons back in. I hope it's something simple, cos I can't afford a set of new brembo calipers for the front
  6. Alrighty my babbers lol sorry not been on, been a bit busy. Even starting my second week of college tomorrow. Only downside is I'm the oldest and least qualified on my course lol that and more embarrassingly I'm the only one with a new satchel and pencil case lol
  7. The first pic (green one) is my bday present. It's a 1989 ZX400R. The blue one, is what I bought for myself for my bday present . Is a VFR400RR NC30. Which is a bit modified. And looks luvverly. And sounds even better. Hehehehe
  8. Hello y'all, sorry I've not been on for a little while. I'm sure none of you missed me but hey ho lol Hope your all ok, I wasn't very well for a bit, it was my birthday, I've been trying to sort out my cool bday prezzie. And of course buying my own (even cooler) bday present. Any of you wanna see my presents?? I promise that 2 bday presents in question are not, I repeat NOT s*x toys. I mean the other presents were. Just not these two lol
  9. Ahh I see, cos my cars got it. The resovoir is in the boot. And it's in the manual for my car. My next question was going to be is it possible to put any additives in it. Like that stuff that makes water have a lower boiling point etc. I know that sounds weird. But I thought if it works on other cars. But thought it would become redundant anyway when I get a front mount intercooler. Although. I spose I could re-engineer it. Although it would be mucho more expsensivo would be cool to have a CO2 cooler bar for the intercooler. You can also the those induction hose CO2 coolers, it's piped up so it's like a mini incredibly cold thingy that hangs in the induction hose. And the air rushing through passes over it. Which I've seen a few times. But I think the intercooler CO2 spray bars are more popular, with less problems. Cos if you can imagine if the humidity is high then you'll get frozen condensation building up in the induction pip and then braking off as it would be under pressure etc etc. lots more problems too. Anyways what I'm saying is, is there any way to improve the normal spray bar??????
  10. Do all of your cars have intercooler water sprays fitted?? I don't know if it's a hawkeye thing. Or the whole family of STI's that has them
  11. Exact same problems as me by the sounds of it. I've tried explaining to my doctor that if he wants me to do more stuff and be more active then he has to stop moaning so much when I order my repeat 'scripts. I know it sounds weird but I kinda miss getting grubby and skinning my knuckles. I'm going to try and be sensible and pace myself, but that's easier said than done, what I will try to do is make sure I've got some tools that will take some of the strain out of it. Gonna get myself an electric intact wrench, I've got plenty of pry bars, but I'd like to get a pole to slide over my ratchets n stuff for more leverage. Need to get myself a torque wrench too before I tackle the jobs
  12. Feel free to come to my house and help, ill get the bacon butties and teas on !!
  13. I really struggle to do things on it now. Every car I've had I've always done everything on them. From servicing to fitting suspension etc. but since I fooked my back up I've not done anything on them. But I'm determined to do the things on this car, I know it will take me a lot longer than it would you guys. But A: I can't afford to pay the labour and B: I miss doing all that stuff, and my tools are getting rusty lol
  14. Yeah she cooks etc, she knows I'd slap the taste out of her mouth if she didn't. How do you think she had those injuries hehe
  15. On another note my full set of EBC pads and discs arrived today :)
  16. That's the guys yeah, they're really friendly. And do really good work. The did my ST brilliantly, slammed on 19's and it rode like a dream. No rubs no squeaks, the ride quality was smoother than standard. And handled amazingly. They did a fair bit of work on my car. And i would recommend them without hesitation
  17. I've got a pretty good tuning firm down the road from me, they did all the work on my focus ST. They normally do VAG motors but they do other things too. They're really good at what they do, do custom turbo and superchargers on golf R32's n stuff. They had a feature car in performance VW, they'd made a full electric polo gti. And it was properly fast too. My thoughts were that when I fit the coilovers & possibly the new wheels that I'd take it along and get them to do an alignment on the car, and then get them to flush out the brakes and out new fluid in. It won't take them long. It's probably going to take me a week to fit the coilovers n brakes as ill only be able to work on it for short periods at a time. I do know a guy with a fully equipped garage. But he's a absolute !Removed!. So I'd rather do it myself. Even if it takes a month
  18. You know you've got some issues when your dogs got a ball gag lol
  19. I know this sounds silly, but ill replace the fluid once the pads are bedded in. That way I can't put too much pressure on them with the dodgy fluid (it probably needs replacing) ill also get one of them master cylinder brace wotsits. I've got a bloke interested in my 19's so I may have to sort out a refurb on the new wheels sharpish. If any of you can refurb wheels on the cheap and could help I'd greatly appreciate it
  20. I've got cosworth caps on my radiator and expansion tank wotsit thingamajig. Think scooby world etc sell them, they're not much
  21. As amicable as you can get. She told me that she was moving out, she had a new bloke, a new house, and turned up 3 days later with 3 vans and about 8 people and stripped the house. But I did get left a kettle and my bed. She couldn't take the bed because my occupational therapist got it for me, one of them electric hospital bed thingies. Otherwise she'd of taken that. She'd taken a bunch of loans out in my name (wonga etc) and used it to buy everything she needed. Then about 5 days after she left the guy dumped her, she worked out she'd get no help with her rent etc and then she started kissing my **** ! And then because I'm an absolute bellend with MUG tattoo'd on my forehead I sold my sweet **** modified focus that was worth 16 grand + and bought her a !Removed! car. Not a cheap one mind, but 5 grand 07 plate corsa. I did it because her new lovely life !Removed! up and she's had to move in with her mummykins. A mummy who's so kind that she's let her and my son live in the stone shed at the bottom of they're garden. A shed with no heating, or toilet facilities. Not only that but after 10pm she's not allowed in the house because her mums dogs bark and it wakes them up, so she has to use a bucket. I kid you not. I kinda thought that I can't write off her, as we all make mistakes.mi just wish she'd stop making mistakes cos it costs me dearly every time. I kinda wish I was joking, but it wouldn't be a funny joke. Silver lining is that I do now have my Spec D, and she's unable to moan at me for having boxes of car parts around my house. Unfortunately my parents moan about my car parts instead. After my accident last January I got a disabled bungalow. And my mum broke her hip, thigh bone, coxix etc at Xmas. So I offered them to come live with me to help my mums recovery. So I guess I'm a double mug, or just a nice bloke. Most people say I'm a mug tho lol
  22. Unfortunately for me my ex mrs would probably be louder if I'd drugged her and she was flat out. She snores like a hippo with asthma. Although I found that if you use those special condoms that stop premature ejaculation with a desensitising gel inside, but turn them inside out it's a win win, I get my rocks off, and she doesn't wake up. She was never a enthusiastic person in the bedroom, I'd get more moaning out of her if I !Removed! on the toilet seat lol but then there's not much chance for her to moan while she was gagged and bound. Shame is she never let me bond the gag to her face permanently, selfish beeyatch
  23. To be honest I've never been there before. But I'd definitely go again. But I'd go for a longer time than a weekend, there's so much to do but we had so little time. The heat made it so difficult to get to everything, there's a lot to be said about walking around the tropical house in one of the 2 zoo's we went to when the temperature was a indicated 32c outside. It was horrific!! We went on a Sun holiday thingy so it didn't cost very much at all, the place we stayed had a load of stuff. Indoor and outdoor pools, play areas, shops, bars, clubs & restaurants etc etc. So as well as the park thing we stayed at, and then all of the different places and things to do on the island itself there was loads to do. All in all was a good place to go, and the portable DVD player I bought to go with payed for themselves on the journey to and fro
  24. Do you know if I need a wind back tool to wind the pistons back ?? Or can I pop the lid from the reservoir and squeeze them back with a clamp or something
  25. Yeah I saw quite a few nice prezza's while on my way round. To be honest I spent 75% of the time we were there driving from one place to another. If one of the people you waved at had a blank expression or with they're fingers in they're ears and crying that was probably me lol
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