My 2000 classic 2.0WRX GT check engine light has been coming on.
I've connected the black plugs together and am getting 2 long flashes followed by 2 short flashes.
Can anyone confirm if this means that the knock sensor if faulty please? I'm going to take it off and give it a clean anyway now but if the fault code is confirmed I'll probably replace it.
Thanks in advance.
After some help. My classic has a sanden trs090 r134a compressor fitted and I need a new pulley for the tensioner. I can't find the tensioner anywhere. Has anyone got any pointers on where to look please?
I'll try and add a picture of the tensioner bracket. It sits underneath the compressor and the pulley is shot.
Finally purchased an impreza turbo. Always wanted a classic and now I have one. Needs some work (rear arches are shot, rear end pretty rusty underneath) but going to drive and enjoy it for a few months.