Yeah from all accounts i can read and videos it seems to be "normal play" for the turbo. Always willing to learn otherwise though. Did you notice the oil in the bottom though? See below
So, Yesterday the snow came and i caved into taking it to a garage. Low and behold the thermostat was indeed.... erm... well.. you decide.
Now, I must say i have seen a LOT of bad things mechanically over the years, but i'm rarely speechless.
There isn't a straight bit of metal on it and i have no idea how you could damge a thermostat like that, the fold over is particularly impressive. or indeed, WHY?
I genuinely haven't a clue. Scary stuff!
But thermostat out, new one in and heat was better but not great. Garage put a BIG vacuum pump on not my little handheld ebay one and boom, one blob of blockage out of the heater matrix and all is well in that regard, I have heat!
Now I only have the issue of the noise from the turbo. I do have a gasket set here to go on the turbo as i've been suggested it as a fix from 3 different people now, however, when the mechanic removed the intercooler (to attach larger vacuum equipment) he noticed "a deposit of oil" and because of which he suggested one of two things:
A) Replace entire turbo
B) Leave as is to not disturb it, as it is still working.
I always believed the entire air intake system on a turbo diesel would be oily due to recirculating gasses, and things like, the turbo intake would always have SOME in there from the pipe going upwards, when air flow stops, it will drip down inside the pipe. Intercooler again, would be subjected to this right down to the intake manifold, where, i've seen videos, the boxer turbos do develop some HEFTY waste build up.
I believe my mechanic, whom i trust, was being cautious as these engines are naturally delicate, and fettling with a turbo may well upset it. But that noise is there, not quiet and it is annoying haha
Thoughts for moving forward?