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Everything posted by jallen2412

  1. would be a shame to scrap the car as its a great motor spotless to need to thing long and hard about what to do here totally gutted
  2. cheers for the reply thing is the car is prob only worth 3.5k really dunno what to do im in northern Ireland m8
  3. needless to say gutted .. cud do with some advice 2nd hand engine or rebuild been told my engine is done in also been told nothing is unfixable so totally lost atm obviously I want it done right but also very very low on funds any advice help or contacts wud be very much appreciated folks also I drive a 2.0 2005 wrx blobeye what engines would fit with out changing looms and all that
  4. sorry 4got 2 say thanks in advance 4 any help or advice given
  5. Can any1 tell me if I should rebuild or try and 2nd hand engine been told my engine is a done ... but also been told no damage is un repairable would really lik some contacts maybe as I don't have a clue where to start also what engines would fit mine 2005 blob eye wrx
  6. well I'm movinn house over the next week r so 1ce I get sorted with the move I'll try the silicone grease a shot c if this helps cheers 4 the advice guys :) :)
  7. yip I do get the odd clunk from the back of the motor I have it in my head to get new discs and pads anyway b4 mot in the summer and I will get the car on a ramp some time soon and check out my shocks
  8. been lookin 4ward 2 this 4 ages now my son will be in bed the misses chucked out and the recliner will be up cant wait :) :) :)
  9. no def not abs I know that feelin ;-) my foot is constant on the pedal ans the brakes kick in instantly I think the best way to describe it is imagine ur in the seat comin to a stop and u feel urself rockin back and 4ward ( lik a mental patient lol ) that's wat im getting everytime I come to a stop at low speeds also the other thing I was on about wit the suspension r these 2005 wrx's famous for sticky or duff rear shocks ?? Cheers Jay (oh and cheers Jay) lol
  10. well having owned my 2005 wrx for 2 months I can honestly say I've loved every minute But it has developed the weirdest feeling when under easy braking and easy acceleration Its almost as if something sticks at the rear passenger side then lets go again proper hard to describe to u guys but I hope u get the jist (it kinda holds the back of the car up in higher at 1 side) I'm thinkin its a dodgy shock also when under easy braking it feels like the discs r something is warped u can feel the brakes tightin and release as ur stopping wud lik to hear abit of input in2 this Cheers Jay
  11. That's a 180sx m8 lovely motor 2 skid gonna get 1 of these soon 4 track days and that Drifting is growing by the day over here in Ireland plenty of track days 4 some fun :) :)
  12. Make sure and get some good pics up of Santa Pod m8 sounds lik its gonna b 1 of a kind ;)
  13. Yeh that wud b a good way to do it It's good to know im not the only 1 that still loves these films lol but as I z at the start still think it wont ever be the same with out Paul in them anymore
  14. Cheers savage I'll have a look later m8 check out the junk room ive a thread up about Paul Walker wud lik to hear wat u have to say m8 :) :)
  15. just checked out the Santa Pod tribute totally gutted I wont b there me bein in Northern Ireland gives me no chance of getting over :( :( :( :(
  16. Yeh Tokyo drift was such a bad storyline but great drifting scenes and good ole Vin showing up with his American muscle was prob the best part of the strory ;) I would like to get some more views on this thread how can I do that m8
  17. think this scene will go down history now
  18. it wud be gud to c if they could pull it off but yet still be respectful at the same time
  19. great cheers m8
  20. well that's a start really don't know how they r gonna finish this new 1 tho
  21. cheers for the advise :) :)
  22. no the film isn't finish it was nearly completed he was due 2 go back 2 film the rest a week after his passin
  23. very true m8 he had such an impact when I seen the turn out last week it was kind of over whelming but such a nice feeling to c so many people payin their respect to such a nice guy and I think if they do realise this movie ( I wudnt) they shud b putiin a lot in2 his charity and make sure that Paul is not 4gottin by them being greedy and just thinkin of the money they cud make cause as harsh as this sounds his passin has been the biggest story of this year so I wud say they wud make a fortune with that publicity
  24. Very good price how much do these engines take m8 I just opened a new thread in the junk room about PAUL WALKER hav a look wud lik to get a lot of talk about this cheers :)
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