Hi All
Thinking of getting an Impreza Diesel but currently owning a couple of diesels at the moment I have a few questions on DPF filters and servicing, If anyone could help?
I currently own a Freelander 2 and a Fiat Bravo. Both are deisel and both have DPF filters but they both handle things in a different way. The Bravo is the best of the two with the DPF problems but that is the one I would sell to get the Impreza. I do long journeys but have periods of just running about which can cause the DPF to block of which is not a problem if you know what to do to unblock it. The Bravo puts a light on the dashboard warning you that the DPF is blocked, you then put it on the nearest bypass at about 50 to 60 mph for 10 mins and it runs a regen and all is fine for a long time. The Freelander 2 is different in the fact that it will have three regen attempts in secret so to speak and if the third regen attempt fails for some reason the limp home engine light comes on and it's a visit to the dealer to resent things. This is annoying with the Land Rover as if it told you what was going on like the Fiat does you could take it for a longer run to sort things out before the dealer has to get involved.
This only happens once ish a year as the long journeys stop any of this from happening but it does happen if my work changes to where I live. My question is what happens on the Impreza Diesel when the DPF gets blocked? is it like the Bravo or the Freelander 2?? Do any of you have any experience of this happening?