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Everything posted by BenGreen
The car scene would be a boring place if everyone had the same outlooks, right my mind is made up. Im going to ring the garage tomorrow and see whens the earliest I can book it in
Going for Air lift v2, had a few quotes from different places, my mate is getting his car done at the moment so ill check out the workmanship before going to the same garage. They sou d like decent guys and have been doing it for a while so know there stuff.
Yeah im not really too botherd about having a really fast scooby,currently at 331 bhp and most cars around my area strugggle to keep up with that, its never been my intention to take it on track days or anything, I just like the idea of them, im on coilovers atm and struggle getting over the bumps, but with air ride, one little click of the switch and you can comfortably go over lol.
I know it may not be everyones taste but it has really grown on me, ive been trying to find a hawkeye with air on the internet, but the only few ive found have been in america, and one grey one from the u.k... I am looking to get it done within the next two weeks, so should mean theres 2 bagged hawks in the uk unless anyone else knows of any?
Ok guys im back again.. new wheels have been on the car for a few days, wasnt too sure on them to begin with but ive decided I am really pleased with them. Whilst I was getting my wheels fitted, the garage noticed my front pads need replacing and my tracking was slightly out so that was all done on the same day. But whilst in the air I also noticed that one of my supports connecting to the backbox has completely came away leaving a hole the size of a 5 pence piece, ive thought about getting a new exhaust and this is just a perfect excuse to get one, the question is what shall I go for? Sports cat? Decat? Any particular brands I should go after? (I already have a ninja 2).
Ive gone for white, there was loads of colours to choose from, im just hoping I havent made a huge mistake lol
Exciting news. Just ordered my Rota Grid Drifts today so hopefully I should be receiving them on monday. Dont worry I will get pics up the minute they are fitted :D
After typing all that up and posting it, I just realised how pointless that post was, I fitted a gator. The end lol. Got a few days off work so will hopefully get on with a few bits here and there and I shall try to make it a bit more interesting lol.
Finally I received my 'carbon fibre gator' after accidently breaking my old one into tiny little bits. after many emails and days waiting it turned up in the post today, fittted it and was a perfect fit. I cant fault the ebay seller for the very extensive amount of emails asking for pictures and measurements, but was really un needed as all i wanted them to do was make it 2 inches shorter than the previous one they sent me but it just became soo complicated when it shouldnt have been... anyways, its in the car and im happy with it, and just finishes the console off. I wont bore you with the details of fitting the gator, bus all it involved was a a extra pair of hands to hold it it all in place one cable tie too fit it into position nd a small drill to pierce the hole through the fabric.... As I say with all my pictures, it does look alot better in person ( i recon its just my lack of photography skills) heres a few pics anyways :)
Ive also been pulled for 'drink driving' after driving home from work after a night shift, as soon as I started speaking they automatically knew that I wasnt, fair enough it looked abit strange me driving around at 5am on a saturday morning bit I think they just gave old any old excuse to pull me over and see what I was up too, personally I think they are just a bit too nosey :P well due to work im going to be moving up north in August so hopefully wont be having the same problems up there!
Interesting read, I think you should carry on with another essay, its pretty usefull things to know :)
Ahh I see, a similar kind of set up. The problem with where I want mine is its where the pipes go back into the engine bay so are alot tougher to just push back, i tried doing it again today but had to walk away from it before I got angry and broke something :/ I think im going to have to move both of them so they are more centeral. Why can things never be simple lol :(
Ill get a picture of it tomorrow in the morning so you can see what im up against. Cheers for the sound words of advice lol :D
Trust me its annoying me more and more I see it! Im a symetrical kind of person and when it wouldnt go on where I wanted it I nearly cried! I have a few ideas on how to get it in place but I doubt its gonna go where I want it.. hopefully you will get an update tomorrow with it moved lol.
Your police force sounds alot more lenient than the good old boys in the metropolitan police.
Ahh this is not good, its just looking like its mainly just me then lol. What area are you all from because anyone that has a 'modified' car around my area is always getting pulled for it. I got it from a garages only 20 mins away
Im just interested to know whether everyone gets the same police attention as me, since owning my subaru impreza for 5 months i have been pulled over about 6 times ( before you ask no I wasnt driving fast, erratically or doing anything wrong) the last time I got pulled over was yesterday at a 'random' police stop check. Saw a police officer just before the police stop and saw the officer look straight at me and radio further ahead for me to be pulled over. After I produced my documents and everything was proven legit I was sent on my way. I just cant but think that the police think all subaru drivers are the same and just stereotype the car. Not sure whether its just me or the car, but if anyone else faces the same problem id be interested to know.
Weather was decent today which made a change, so I set to work fitting the 'hella horns'. After watching the YouTube video it was a straight forward task, removing the grilles, take out the old horns and attach the new ones. I did a slightly different way of wiring it. I connected the normal plugs into the live of each horn, then daisy chained one horn to the other then earthed it onto the bolt. Really happy with the sound as its given it a much louder and piercing tone.The only problem I have come across is where to fit the Left hand side one, I cant put it where I want to because there is a pipe in the way, looks like the air con or something. So ive had to place it in the centre, not where I want to have it but im gonna have to leave them where they are at the moment whilst I think of a way around it.
Sort of sad but it made me smile...sort of car related.. I decided I need a new mug for work. So i ordered a more unique one lol.
Cheers guys.. but as with most things it does look alot better in person. Still have a bit left over so im considering my wing mirrors?
So today the weather was a bit all over the place so didnt fancy getting wet fitting the horns, so I took apart my console and wrapped it in carbon fibre vinl, it may not be everyones taste but it looks alot better than the boring old silver. it wasnt the most difficult thing to do in the world, but it was time consuming, cleaning all the grease off the plastics and making sure you done end up with any bubbles but luckily I had a friend helping me so stretching and heating the vinyl up to make sure it fit in all the creases was made alot easier. In all my excitment to fit a carbon fibre gator on i ripped my old one off, tried fitting the new one but it ended up being too long, so after much cutting pulling and test fitting i accidently ripped it up beyond repair so im going to source another one. Its a real shame because it would have made it look more complete.
Good old youtube, thanks very much for the information, should make it go alot smoother. I shall update in a few days...
Just received all my parts I orderd in the post today. But as im working nights for a few days I wont be able to fit anything until tuesday, slightly annoying but hey ho. May have a quick question if anyone could help me out. I ordered some Hella horns, but all I received in the box was the horns and some sort of 4 pin little box. Am I missing the whole loom? Or do I just connect the horns up to the current wires I have already? And in regards to some white rota grid drifts, I should hopefully be ordering them monday, just waiting for the guy at the shop to get back to me. So this should be a busy few days if everything goes to plan.
Ive been thinking about the idea of rota wheels, but now thinking completely red is a bit too much.. so what ive decided on is white rota grid drifts with bright red wheel nuts.. the picture below has got me all excited, I need to go and check my bank balance before I agree to anything though lol..
Right so today got a few more bits sorted. I had a few hours spare so popped down to Prestige Wraps and got my headlights covered in 'fly eyes' and my rear lights wrapped in tint film. I also managed to order a new boost gauge as mine has been playing up, some 'Hella Horns' and 1m worth of carbon fibre film to attempt to DIY my radio console. It should all be arriving in the next few days so i will update you with my progress.