Just purchased a 2nd hand SUBARU XV I SE PREM E BOXER AWD 33,000 odd miles 69 plate/2020. Used it for 4 days then went on holiday for one week. Came back Friday, jumped in, picked dog up all good. Saturday all lights flashing at me, immobiliser on and would not start. Fortunately on drive. RAC sending report but guy said the battery was dead and not retaining charge. Looked like a new battery and not the original. Car is outside dealers as no one in until tomorrow - Monday. Since then I have been on this forum and seen a few posts about vars Subaru battery and problems. Does anyone know if it will be a continual problem with this car and Subaru's in general. Never known Subaru's to be unreliable and I MUST have a reliable car, hence exchanging my Mitsibishi as it had done over 114,000 miles and traded before any problems. Have NEVER had to call out breakdown for any car I have had in 40 plus years driving. Where do I stand in getting my money back if the car is not fit for purpose after owning for only 13 days before it broke down at home? Will a different/new battery solve the problem or is the car just a bad one. Im so upset and worried that Ive got a dud!