Hi there I have read quite a few posts about my problem but there isnt quite one that fits mine so I apologise if its been covered before.
Ive got a 2006 legacy estate spec B 3.0 auto 6 pot engine 245BHP. Great car pulls great no performance issue as far as I'm aware of. Ive had the car a couple of months covered 2k miles. its done 128k mostly subaru FSH last couple of services have been basic oil filter service.
note:The temp gauge is always rock solid 50% of the scale, never higher than that.
Anyway. About 1k miles ago I could see the expansion vessel was empty, so topped it up to the fill mark and could see bubbles coming up through the liquid. My immediate thought was head gasket failure!! "I've bought a lemon!!" But then checked the oil cap and no emulsion was evident. I decided to have the car coolant checked at a garage for contamination. No contamination was found. OK maybe its just an air lock.
However whilst driving last week: The ambient temp was about 6 deg C, and I wasn't hammering the car as I had her indoors with me. I had just completed some 350 miles uneventfuIl miles pulled over to the side of the road to check the satnav, engine running, and the noticed the temp gauge had shot up almost immediately to just short of the red mark. the engine fans were running like the clappers. I immediately switched the interior fan onto full blast heat knob to full heat.
. And within seconds the temperature gauge dropped back to normal 50%. Strange!!. I drove on desperate to get to the destination without incident. Then did exactly the same 10 miles further when we arrived at out destination. Only this time I lifted the bonnet and clocked the expansion vessel had filled almost to the top.
The car was left overnight to cool, I lifted the bonnet and expansion vessel was back to normal lever. I drove home 350 miles and no incident. Checked everything I could when home and could see bubbles coming from the expansion vessel as I first stated at the beginning.
Note: The cars internal heater control is not good in fact its poor. (Its a digital display) So say I set it at 23degC as its cold inside, the car inside does not warm up, if you steadily increase the temperature there's still no change in heat until you put it to say at 27DegC. But then its too hot inside. Now its when the temperature control is turned down to around 23degC the the engine temperature rose. could this be the cause? Could there be some blockage in the matrix, a problematic thermostat. Any ideas.
I know its a long story and any feedback would be appreciated.