Not to sure on time to be honest did think about 6/6.30 as normally bit of nightmare getting in lol with regards to car it is up for sale will loose the 10k spent on it hoping to sell for 15. What time were u thinking if leaving?
Yes gambit still hav car at the min and will still be attending show! Been but mad recently lol moving house/ holls/ work so sorry not spare ticket here lol
Gates open for club members a 6am. I'll be there for 7am as shall only be traveling from Chippenham. I do think earlier the better really as you don't want to be messing about moving cars etc near public opening. Soon set up sooner can chill and enjoy the day
+1 got mine. Stotty I'll be in Chippenham to so can meet sat morn couple of us will be down fri evening if fancy a meet pre show. At least tickets are here after a little bit of panic from a few peps lol
Not long now every1 should finally get the RB back Saturday just in time for a quick detail and a steady drive down lol do we know anymore about convoy into the grounds in morning?
Times ticking now lol hope my car is back on road by time event comes round. So when's most people planing to go down? Night before on day? Myself I'll be staying in Chippenham as are a couple of others so could maybe meet up for beer befor event