Well,it's arrived at it's new home,after a gruelling 42 hour drive,only resting on the two ferries.It's in excellent condition and one of the best cars i've ever driven,all i need to do to it is replace the front discs and pads and prepare it for winter.
When you get north of Gothenburg this is pretty much all you see,miles and miles of almost empty road,got to watch out for the wildlife though,i had a moose cross in front me and believe me they are big and will write off your car if you are unfortunate enough to hit one.
This is what a Swedish speed camera looks like,slim,dark and easy to miss,at least the Swedes play fair and have a speed limit and camera sign a couple of hundred metres in front of every camera.
Quick pit stop
Home and washed. Oldham,Greater Manchester to Östersund,central Sweden,1500 miles,in less than two days was quite a drive,but it was a great car to do it in.I don't want to be doing it again anytime soon though!