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Everything posted by Harryburgundy

  1. Got it! Thanks Gambit :-)
  2. May be you can email it to me?
  3. Meh...it downloads but the I can't open the file
  4. Not working in my phone, will try at work later. Thanks :-)
  5. Oooo...that's one of my favourite words ;-)
  6. Is this worth buying?http://www.emanualonline.com/Cars/Subaru/Impreza/Subaru-Impreza-Workshop-Manual-(93_96).html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwnZShBRDfxqzr55rcyMEBEiQA1iRNPzXLZ8D3yDHsVlw61w2WPWlzWeSTaO5XtcfXXQvWSe0aAor08P8HAQ
  7. http://www.lambdapower.co.uk/diagnosis/diagnostic_index.asp#q5 :-(
  8. That's correct. Normally it will sit steady at circa 600 but occasionally it doesn't drop down and stays at 1200-1400, sometimes more
  9. Oh...to explain. My idle isn't rough or pulsing/hunting...it just, on occasion, runs at 1200 or 1500 or 2000! Like I had my foot on the pedal.
  10. Hi Gambit Yup, just cleaned the MAF and throttle body. As you say, plugs etc next although in my little head I don't know why that would be it (and several people have told me it could be that). I thought bad plugs or shorting coil would result in rough, spluttering idle
  11. Meh...definate improvement in acceleration/pick-up but bl**ding idle still being silly. Mmm...plugs, leads and coil next. !Removed!
  12. Both the Forte and CRC stuff from g'ole EBay. Have cleaned both now (throttle body and butterfly valve were a bit dirty) and will test drive later. Wanted to clean tcv too but think I need a new seal bag before dismantling. Could be wrong, as usual.
  13. Aye...pain in the butt. Cleaning air intake and maf today. Smoke me a kipper
  14. Not much of an update. I have 'cleaned' the engine using Forte engine cleaner and Forte injector cleaner. The result? Much improved acceleration and general smoothness but the idle prob still present. Waiting for some MAF cleaner to arrive then, with the Forte intake cleaner I already have, will give all the inlet stuff a good clean.
  15. Idle problem not getting any better...someone has suggested that the IACV could be gummed up and on YouTube there is a vid of someone cleaning it using Subaru Upper Engine Cleaner. Does anyone have any experience of this? Carl
  16. Okay...finally got around to checking for ECU codes. Nothing. Steady long flashes
  17. Tbh I haven't checked yet...but it just has that heat shield rattle sound that is familiar from other cars
  18. Many thanks :-)
  19. I guess this has been asked before but I couldn't see how to search the forum. Heat shields on my 2.0L Sport rattle...any reason why I can just remove them?
  20. Did you fit the bulbs Gambit?
  21. Cool...let us know when they arrive and what you get. No time to look at anything this week...off for a lovely long weekend in Devon tomorrow :-)
  22. Would you Adam and Eve it...the Check Engine light has started to light up on ignition. Not all the time ...yet! (Did Citroen make Subarus at one point, I recall my old CX having a mind of its own ha ha)
  23. Just seen this http://www.ultimatemods.co.uk/subaru-impreza-93-99-dashboard-led-bulbs.html but I am unsure if it contains the correct bulbs for me
  24. Hi,ate...that's okay, just want to but some before I pull stuff apart. Must be a part number? Are there expolded diagrams with part number anywhere?
  25. Thanks for your reply...jeez, 7 times!
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