I've checked halfords online with no success but have found in the past they sometimes have different in the shop as online. So I'll still pop in and check. I'll also check Sutton auto factors as they do say there jap' car specialists but there website wasn't working. Looks like I'll be searching the old fashioned way of driving around haha.
Hi guys,
Would any one know where I could go pick up some Japanese Small Post Battery Terminal Adaptors in Nottingham tomorrow? New or used. If not no worries I'll have to just order some off of the inter'webs and await delivery 👍🏼
Is this.... https://twitter.com/gary_g2707/status/485377357424119808
The water feed to the tb?
And you say I can just take it and bung it up? Or do I need to link it up to anywhere?
How about Porting & polishing the throttle body? I did this on my saxo before I moved to itbs for the track engine. Just not sure if the benifits will be the same with the sti being FI and the saxo NA. What do you guys think as like I say I'm a noob the scooby but I am loving owning the scooby and I've only had it a few days haha.
Probably a major newbie question but...
As some of you know I bought a wrx sti hatch on Saturday and I can't wait to do some mods on it but with building my track car I have next to no money to spend. So as I'm new to the whole scooby scene I'm not overly clued up on it yet.
So does any one know of any free or very cheap tasteful mods?
Only two iv thought of yet are just
-weight loss
-intake silencer delete
And all I've done so far is air fresheners haha
Cheers guys
Yh I've got a few ideas ;)
Will only be simple cheap stuff at first until my track build is finished haha
Short term tho prob looking at rear light mod but prob not over lays ill prob mast and tint spray them with red then very light coat of black.
Loose some weight from the car but nothing to affect the comfort if you know what I mean.
Bit of black plasti dip here and there to darken things up
Save for a full piano black wrap
Do some piano black wrapping of some interior trim too
And some light weight but oem looking wheel
Ohh and some r888 tyres
And if possible id like to get a remap but to improve economy and keeping oem bhp
Pretty much as the title says...
Does any one know of any good twitter or Facebook pages I can start to follow now I've just joined the scooby club with my wrx sti (Twitter is the preferred option haha I don't get on with FB as much)
Can just include other owners too :D
Gonna try get my mate round tomorrow for a photo shoot & then in a week or two ill do one with my track car build! :D
(How do I upload pics? Same as on "sax-p"? Using photo bucket?)