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    2003 Blobeye Sti Prodrive

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  1. Cheers Steveuk260. I'm running the PPP pack on my car too so I think its sitting at 305bhp. was hoping for some tasteful safe mods to take it to 330-350bhp. That might need a change of turbo then?
  2. How long did it take to change rick? mines just started slipping
  3. 5.5k for a sti blob! I feel a bit robbed now :-( I paid 7k for a 2003 sti ppp, private sale
  4. rear suspension on my 2003 sti knocks. everyone I speak to tells me knocking shocks are very common. usually driving at slow speeds, pulling up to lights/junctions. If I open my rear doors and jump in the back seat and it knocks
  5. kinda hijacking the question but seeing as it is about turbos.... what sort of bhp can I safely achieve on my 2003 Blob stis standard turbo?
  6. Cheers guys. Going to have a crack at it this weekend if the weather stays dry and try a few of the things you've suggested. Got all the boot liners and carpets stripped out so just waiting for a decent day :-)
  7. I've got a really annoying leak in the boot of my car. I've read loads of stuff on tail lights leaking but this is something else. If I open the boot and look at the inside of the boot lid it's running with water and the spare wheel is paddling around in a pool of water. I've had the spoiler off and resealed but it's not made any odds. anyone else had this kind of leak?
  8. I'm in the Angus area (between Dundee and Aberdeen)
  9. Hi, I've got some problems with my rear shocks too. Bad knocking from the back end. I was looking at scoobyworld.co.uk and they do a pair of rear KYB shocks for £265. 3 hours to replace 1 rear shock is a bit (pardon the pun) shocking. rear wheel off, rear seat out and your right in about. 3 nuts on the top of the strut and 2 bolt at the bottom, unclip the brake flexi and that's the rear strut out.
  10. Hi (new to the owners club) Have watched this guys vid on youtube about fitting a grease nipple on the back shocks so the can be filled with grease to stop the knocking noise, any of you guys tried it? I've got the same knock from my rear shocks and have been looking about to see whats best to fit. Any suggestions? standard or aftermarket.
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