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    North Wales
  • Subaru Model
    Impreza WRX Hawkeye

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  1. Nice write up, what size bulbs is required for the Speedo and climate control dials?
  2. Ahh, thats good to know :) I'm sure it is there for some kind of water proofing properties!
  3. Hi all Noticed today that there is this weird substance on the underside of the boot. And upon further inspection I can see that it is all over the tail light area too. Also noticed a tar like substance above one of the arches. Any idea what any of this stuff is? Thanks
  4. Hi all Are the blobeye springs the same as hawkeye? I want to buy some eibach springs but can only find ones for blobeye on ebay.. What is the part number for the eibach pro kit that fits a wrx hawkeye? When fitting lowering springs on a wrx, do I need to cut the bump stops to stop it bottoming out? Do I need rear camber bolts? Also, while the struts are off the car, is it worth regreasing and fitting grease nipples? There are not knocks but I was thinking of doing it as a preventative measure. Thanks! :)
  5. I was planning on putting 6.5" speakers in my hawkeye with the corsa adapters. Can I please ask which ones did you buy and how you got it to fit? Were these what you bought? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SAK-3001-VAUXHALL-OPEL-CORSA-C-2000-2006-FRONT-DOOR-SPEAKER-ADAPTOR-KIT-/150911129981?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item232301197d
  6. I think only STI Hawkeyes are 114, WRX are same as all the others and use 5x100
  7. I do like your wheels, the style I am looking for, but over my price range unfortunately and wrong fitment :(
  8. Hi all Looking at potential mods for the future, I say future as I only just got the car and there are so many things I want for it lol. Was looking at mapping and have found that the tune will be best with a decat / sports cat. My question is, does both cats need removing or will it gain good results with just removing one cat, if so the downpipe one or the centre cat? Also with the decat itself, I have seen some japspeed ones for quite cheap are these any good? I currently have a custom made cobra cat back (no centre silencer) and in my opinion it sounds just right, not too loud not too quiet with the right burble. Will adding decats make it a lot louder? Finally, has anyone used open source remaps before? I quite like the idea of having launch control and not paying hundreds for a licence! Thanks in advance all!
  9. Picked her up today! Wow! What a car! Tonnes of power and tonnes of grip, it just grips and grips and grips, never driven anything like it! Just a couple of niggles i discovered on the drive home. The driver window is intermittent, sometimes it will not roll down, if you press the button all the way down for 'auto' nothing will happen but 10 seconds later it will roll down? Also I have realised that despite the car being the best I have ever driven, the sound system is the worst I have ever heard. Sound quality is terrible and when you turn it up slightly the door card rattles. Will need to get a new head unit in ASAP and sound deaden the door!
  10. Ahh I see, will need to make a few photoshop requests I think as I like a lot of different wheels, have to choose the best ones lol
  11. I do like yours Ash, what offset are they? I think the arches only need rolling if the offset makes it stick out too much or you go much wider, such as 8j+? What are peoples opinion on Rota Grids?
  12. Yeah that's what I was thinking, a thicker tyre should help be more comfy. My Celica was lowered on apex linear springs, might try Eibach progressive ones this time round, should aid comfort :)
  13. Haha! That's strange that the arches had to be rolled, wouldn't you get thinner tyres to go with large wheels so the overall wheel + tyre diameter is the same. Maybe he had a lower offset / wider wheels so it sticks out more? But your right, that is deffo something to keep in mind! What do most people use 17s or 18s? Pics of your wheels welcome :D I really like the wheels / tyre size on this video: I can't quite make out the sidewall, are they 17s?
  14. Hi all I am interested in changing my wheels, to some kind of multispoke such as; Rota GRA Drft, Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2, that sort of thing. I am not sure whether to go for 18" or 17", what are the pros and cons of both? I think 18s looks great but I also like the chunky tyre look. I plan on installing some lowering springs too so would 17s retain some comfort? Does anyone have pictures of those wheels in 17" on a new age? If I google them, I mainly get 18s. If I was to get 17s I can reuse the current tyres which are almost new bridgestones, so will be much cheaper. Decisions, decision. Thanks!
  15. Hi all Just wondering what types of differentials are in my hawkeye wrx? Is it open diff front, lsd rear and open diff center? How does the center diff work? If i was to lock up the rear wheels with the handbrake (assuming the cable doesn't snap) will it ruin the center diff? thanks in advance!
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