My instrument guage cluster is busted (my fault), I can now only tell the fuel and engine oil temp. Anyone know if the 2003 WRX Instrument Cluster is a plug and play fitment? If so, I have found a set and i can order ASAP.
Someone help.....
Have a good look at these brands: Twenty20, Philips, Osram and Ring. Loads of reviews out there. Varying improvements in light throw, varying colour tone (slight blue, slight white). Check youtube for vids on them.
Got screwed over by massive construction along A16. Painful. Got back at 1am. Lol. Was great to meet you both. Hopefully get a chance to have a huge meet sometime soon. Beautiful rides to.
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
The pic in your profile, is that your car? You got the boot emblems shaved? Been thinking about doing that myself - be nice to see what it's like in person.