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Aussie Ed

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  1. Hi All, I've been investigating sources of 0W-20 oil to meet Subaru specification ISLAC GF-5. All the 'usual big names' seem to have a 'big price' but I've now located a supplier of Pennasol Super Extra 0W-20 at £18.40 per 5 litres delivered. I emailed Pennasol (Germany) who confirmed that it meets the requirements for the BRZ . I purchased via www.mytyres.co.uk
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  2. I already had a suitable jack acquired over the years that suited. You can buy new from Eurocar Parts at about £15.
  3. Yes I've had a look. Would prefer to build true dedicated content here on the BRZ if possible.
  4. You, Me and a dog named Boo by the look of it! I've been overseas for two months so not used it or had anything to report of late. Seems that not enough of BRZ sold to build up a forum following. Maybe they'll become collectors models :-) I've been trying to find some tailored car seat covers and even advised the companies I've contacted that seat covers for Toyota GT86 are probably the same but received 'cant help you' replies. Anyone got any suggestions? Ed
  5. Will, Your figures are good. Best on motorway for mine has been 42.7. Mixed driving 38'ish. All town use 29-30.
  6. I'm just relieved to see that when Scoobyste said " Sorry to admin if this is in the wrong part of the forum... newbie so please bare with me " the nearest we got to seeing anything 'bare' was Gambit .
  7. Fensport Performance cars (link: http://www.fensport.co.uk/Parts/Model_109/Category_1/) can 'morph' a BRZ into almost anything you want - for a price!
  8. Like to see if the STI version when it comes out is as good :D Gambit, There seems to be some doubt currently as to whether an STi BRZ will ever be marketed here in UK.
  9. Promised update. 6 hours motorway (90%) speed 65-80mph with two occupants plus full boot with suitcases, plus cases and other baggage on rear seats........41.1mpg
  10. The model shown is a standard (unmodified) BRZ. There are variants in the guise of the Toyota GT86 and the FRS Scion. Numerous 'kits' are available for front 'face lifts' and side and tail end skirts etc . Some of these can be seen on Fensports web page Link here:- http://www.fensport.co.uk/Parts/Model_109/Category_13/
  11. Latest update on MPG. First 1,040 miles (3 months) has given 40.5 mpg for mixed motoring. Doing a long 3 hour motorway run this coming weekend so I'll specifically log and report on that.
  12. I promised update on MPG. 800+ miles on clock and average for mixed use (town/country/motorways) is 42mpg.
  13. Info for any BRZ owners looking for Space Saver. The recommended 135/80 D16 is almost impossible to locate (other than nearly £200 from dealer!). The Space Saver from the Rover 75 / MG ZT have the same stud & centre bore. Slightly different tyre at 125/90 D16 but is virtually the same rolling diameter just 6mm larger. (631mm v's 625mm). 3mm difference in ride height and 10mm less road tyre width is negligible if it gets you out of trouble! Got mine from this supplier £29 complete wheel & tyre delivered by courier in 48 hours. Hope this is of help to someone. Link :- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rover-75-MG-ZT-16-SPACE-SAVER-SPARE-WHEEL-WITH-TYRE-125-90-R16/261976704627?_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D32945%26meid%3Df064623bcea6415aa1859b68b17c3b52%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D181821249015
  14. Woodford Motor Co. Compact dealership location near M11 & A 406.(A104). Not huge facilities but plenty of options on vehicles available both new & S/hand. Staff helpful, friendly and importantly not 'pushy'. No experience (yet) of service dept.
  15. DTM, As a new owner who has not yet filled the tank I'm happy to hear that. The reality is that town/urban journeys will knock that back but I'll be pleased to get mid 30'smpg.
  16. Still using the original fill up by dealer. Subaru recommend Ron 98 which is 'premium' unleaded so that is what I'll use.
  17. MPG ? I'll tell you in a couple of weeks. I pick up my new BRZ tomorrow (18th July).
  18. Hi All, New in the forum. Exploring getting my first Subaru - new BRZ (probably manual). I'd welcome any feed back from existing owners as to whether it met your expectations, things to look out for and tips in general on BRZ ownership. Thanks Ed
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