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Everything posted by Gozling2

  1. I've hopefully sourced a pair in Gateshead for Impreza, the profile looks similar to Forester, looks as if it could be modified for my purposes, rust isn't too bad to be honest, I'm belt and braces, if there's rust then the only option for me is to remove it in it's entirety and get it back to sound metal and restore to as close to original as possible, I'll let you know how it works out once it's all done, thank you for your advice, I appreciate it immensly.
  2. Many Thanks for your Reply Mr B. The sills have gone due to rear Inner wheel-arches being corroded (water has been able to penetrate via the hidden rusty patches on the inner arches), I've already done those and all is now solid again, resealed and stone-guarded so good for many years, I'm wanting to do the work myself, I used to work in a body repair/restoration workshop so know what's involved I just need the basic repair panel to modify to my needs for the Forester.
  3. Guys, Forester (2004) has passed its MOT and advisory of small hole on sill (NS) on further investigation after removing the sill covers/skirts the holes are a bit more than I'd anticipated, I’d rather replace them than have extensive patching, apart from Subaru I can’t find a pair for a Forester. can you get repair sills If available from where? is there an alternative – will Impreza fit (I can source a pair from Poland) any suggestions gratefully received, thanks in advance.
  4. Thank you Mr B most helpful, yes still got the information printed out and in the handbook wallet, I've changed the pin to one of my own, one less issue to think about.
  5. 2004 Forester XN with an on going key issue, I got the old key repaired and now it's stopped working again, so I'm wanting to replace the Lock/Unlock with a Sigma alarm fob, the no's on the key are C0J12 CE0891 serial no 00000, I'm sure it's an M30 alarm, could someone more knowledgeable than I have a look on Ebay and link the correct Sigma fob for me, there's a few on there but I'm not confident that I'm looking at the correct fob as some are coming up with BMW and other makes so I'm just not sure (the car starts and runs fine, so transponder is fine) it will purely be as a back up to my original key (working well without issue), I just don't like having only 1 key just in case something daft happens. My thanks in advance guys.
  6. Hi Tidgy, no the car won't start, when you press the rubber button there's no response, it doesn't even feel as if anything's happening when you press the button it just feels loose and floppy under the rubber, I've dismantled the key and the button bladder for want of a better wording has come adrift and there's no way to put it back together as it's cracked from one edge.
  7. Many, many thanks Mr B you're a star
  8. I've got an issue with one of my keys for my 2004 Forester, it's died completely, I've changed the battery to no avail, dismantled the circuit board and the press button part isn't activating and has fallen apart, I've found another key identical to mine on ebay, my question is - can I take the circuit board from the ebay key and put them into my old key, will this retain the original transponder attached to the blade and allow me to reprogram using the original pin code for my 2 original keys, is this a possible replacement key or am I shouting woof woof up an incorrect tree. Advice gratefully received.
  9. Thank You Mr B, I'd followed the link that Stants gave me for opposedforces.com and found the relevant section on Foresters, in the relevance section it only came up with Forester, so I thought that was the case, however, it's good to have it confirmed by someone with the correct knowledge, it's much appreciated that you took the time to reply, Thank you, ebay have a couple of units but, they're located in the USA, it's the postage that's the killer, I'm planning to strip it down and see if I can rescue the motor (I'm hoping it's just the shaft that's seized and not allowing the motor to move, here's hoping
  10. Many, Many Thanks Stants, You Sir are a Gentleman, didn't know about this parts Catalogue so it's a real bonus, thank you again
  11. Hi Guys, I've got a problem with the rear wiper motor not working, I suspect that the wiper spindal has seized and has caused the motor to get very hot (could smell burning from it so think it's FUBAR) are the any wiper motor units from other years/models that are compatible with a 2004 Forester as I can't get my hands on a 2nd hand unit. they're like hens teeth to get hold of, any help suggestions greatly appreciated, I'm planning to remove and strip it down and investigate later this Week once the snow and Ice has gone, alternatively if anyone's got a good serviceable unit they're willing to sell and can give me a price (would need to be posted) that would also be most welcome.
  12. Can anyone help with the name and contact details of Subaru Breaker, repairs and sales in northern Scotland, I think they're up around Inverness or some where similar, I used to have their contact details but have a new PC now so some how they're details have gone amiss, family firm if I remember. Thanks in advance.
  13. Rear Diff Crossmember to Chassie Plate Part no, I've a 2004 2.0 NA Forester and the NS Diff crossmember to chassie plate is corroded, I was wondering if any one had the part no for the plate/s, I'd probably require them both as OS is looking not far from breakdown as it's corroded also, it's just gone through the MOT and this is just advisory as the hole is small at present. if anyone has good ones available a deal could be struck. Thanks in advance.
  14. T'would that be an Engine Stabiliser Bar ;), which attaches to the power thingy under the Bonnet ma bob :D over the wheely ma thingy's
  15. Easy way to clean the IAC is to remove it and give it a good clean with Carb cleaner (and an OLD toothbrush), t'will get rid od a lot of the carbon deposits and allow things to work as they should, it's always good practice to replace with new any gasket removed, make sure it's all dry in the IAC prior to re installation, and all should be Robert Your Mothers Brother ;), report back with progress to give feedback to others in a similar situation :D
  16. Came across this site whilst mooching on t'internet yesterday and thought it may be of use to some peeps on the forum, it's for the American market but is pretty close to the UK version and does give you a good overall guide to different models parts breakdown. http://parts.subaru.com/ Mods, sorry if I've infringed on any rules, if so please remove, and I'll consider myself Spanked :o
  17. Many thanks ScoobyGhost, I was going to get some Plusgas or Duck oil as they seem to penetrate rust better than WD and give it a good dosing every night for a week or so to give it time to work it's way through/in
  18. I've had a pal sit in the back of the Forester and it's coming from the NSR wheel bearing so a lot easier fix than the diff, just need to get it done, any tips for removing the Lateral bolt that looks like a bit of a B%*ch to get out if you can get it out at all that is man it looks well rusted into position, even the bolts at the top of the tie bars look well rusted into position, haven't looked yet can you get replacement bushes and bolts for the bars, any links to relevant sites to purchase much appreciated.
  19. Transmission type is TY755X54AA
  20. Thank you Stants for the information I will get the code toot suite and then post it, Scooby Ghost not had any bods in the rear yet as they are but will certainly do that once I've got a couple of suitable bods to listen. Thanks guys
  21. Best thing to do is get a tray of Doughnuts for the helpful guys you know at the garage, make them a cup of tea while they check out the lambda sensors function for you, small cost to you, however a big saving in the pocket area re which sensor is faulty, easy to check on a reader in situe and running.
  22. Hi Guys I've just joined the forum and already need some advice, ;) Forester 2004 2.0 XLN I've a loud high pitched noise coming from the rear of the car, it's been getting progressively worse over the last couple of weeks, however, whilst out yesterday it seemed to be getting progressively worse/louder while driving. I originally thought it was a wheel bearing but it makes no difference when cornering or braking. it comes on at about 30 mph and gets louder from that point onwards, I've jacked the car up and put it into 5th gear and had all the wheels running and the diff sounds very noisy, sounds as if something's grinding (I'm no expert but doesn't sound "Right" to me) sounds like a very harsh metallic sound, if I remove the diff drain plug later today I suspect I'll find a lot of metal "Bits" sticking to it. How can I confirm the diff is the issue without actually removing it, is it possible to diagnose in situe. I've seen a couple of Diffs on a well known auction site, however, they have part no's and I've no idea what part no my original diff is or if the replacements would fit, 1st advert is for a "Viscous LSD assembly.exc.vdc with a part no of 27020AA050" I've no idea what any of that means :( 2nd advert is for "Genuine Subaru rear diff, part no 01438300AA080 and advert says forester 2004" No sorry still non the wiser :( Could any kind bod enlighten me as to which if any will fit my beloved Forester, I'm just out of my depth with this diff stuff Many thanks for any assistance :D
  23. Thank you, replies are always welcome, stops you feeling like a Billy No Mates ;)
  24. Hi to all on the Forum, Had our 2004 Forester XLN for quite a few years now, it's a work horse but "What a Work Horse" we love it to be honest the best car we've ever bought, hot, cold, wet or windy it just does what it should and then some (it's frequently got a trailer attached), only recently started to give a couple of issues, so thought time to ask peeps who know more than I about these gentle giants of the motoring world, hope to post frequently and to give something back to the forum with my limited knowledge but vast life experience, I'll get a photo or 2 once I've figured out how to work the camera, then upload to a host thingy from the Computer'ma'bob. So Hello all,
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