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    2014 Outback SX 2L Diesel

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  1. Hi thought I would give the outcome of my CV joint saga. I went back to Subaru dealer and asked them to order me a new driveshaft and was prepared to wait for it. I was then informed that the new price for a driveshaft had gone up to £700 inc vat plus fitting. Promptly told them where to stick it. A mechanic told me of a very good company on Amazon which he uses all the time. Contacted them gave all relevant details and was delivered in a week, price was £170 inc delivery. Fitted by local mechanic which took an hour.
  2. Yes I have, but as this post was a year ago have you sorted it ?
  3. Thanks for the reply’s, apparently it’s making a very loud clicking on turning. I’m extremely deaf so I haven’t heard this but my wife tells me she’s heard it for a long time. I’ve had 5 Subarus and never had one go wrong, had the usual consumables renewed brakes, discs etc so this is strange for me having to have a repair. I’ve repacked the boots on my minis years ago but it never was successful. I’ll chase them up and try and get a more accurate time from them as I’ve got a mot in 4 weeks and not sure if that’s a failure.
  4. Hi, 2014 2.0 Diesel auto. Just had a service at Subaru main dealer and have been told I’ve got an outer cv joint that needs replacing. They quoted £266 + vat and an hours labour. Trouble is they can’t get one and there’s a back order and they have no idea when they will be available. I’ve had a search and I can get a pattern part at half the price, question do I get a pattern part and have fitted by a local mechanic or wait for the Subaru part. Has anyone used pattern parts or do you only get what you pay for in quality. Cheers
  5. Hi Fisherman I entirely agree with you the Subaru system for their updates etc is a complete and utter joke. After struggling for 6 months to get updates which I finally managed the Pioneer Sat Nav completely failed. Subaru wouldn’t replace it as it was out of warranty ( 6 weeks ) their 5 year warranty is only for engine and gearbox, as a goodwill geasture they would send it away to pioneer if it couldn’t be repaired I would have to foot the bill for a new unit. Luckily it was repairable but my dealer said it would have to go back because the reversing camera wasn’t working I had to tell the fitter after a 3 hour wait that you could turn the camera on in the menu....says a lot for Subaru trained fitters. I have just received a survey from Subaru to complete I think they will be getting a few home truths about their lousy Sat Nav system. Anyway good luck with the refund.
  6. Hi All. I posted on here about 7 months ago asking advice on updating my 2014 Outback Sat Nav. After many months I eventually did it and it's been working fine. My problem now is it's stopped working totally, The Pioneer screen comes on then the license agreement screen, press the ok button and I get a hatched screen. The unit then shuts down after about 10 seconds and keeps on doing this. My dealer couldn't sort it and would get back to me. When they did I was told it was out of warranty ( 6 weeks ) and I would have to pay for a new unit. Although they have a5 year warranty the first 3 covers everything and the last 2 engine and gearbox only. Any ideas what it could be or what course of action anyone would take. Cheers
  7. Hi Kit I'm not sure but I think the 05 Outback used a disc. My sat nav has a SD card and the sites I accessed were solely for the SD. If your Sat Nav does use a card let me know and I'll forward some sites to you but if it's a disc I can't really help but there are a lot of sites on the internet that deal only in discs. You need to know the make and model of your sat nav. Hope this helps. Lou
  8. Ianmac just sent you a pm Lou
  9. When I get back I'll post the link that I used. Basically I put a blank SD card in and downloaded the updates to it then put it in sat nav and transferred it. Surprisingly it was free. Lou
  10. Hi Ianmac I know how you feel it's very frustrating. It took me 5 months to finally sort mine. Because you have a SD card try this site https://subaru-na.naviextras.com/shop/portal I'm in Ireland on hol at moment but if this is no good I have another site on computer at home you can try. My problem was that I never had a card supplied with vehicle cheers Lou
  11. Hi All, first post on this site, at the moment I'm at loggerheads with my dealer and Subaru. My Outback is coming up to three years old so I decided to try and update my sat nav which is a Pioneer AVIC-F50BT. There were no instructions on how to do this with the literature that came with the car which I brought at i year old from Subaru, it was a managers car from Subaru in Birmingham. I contacted Pioneer who said these units were OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacture ) and Subaru had their own navigation toolbox site. I accessed the site and to update my sat nav I had to install my SD card supplied with the vehicle. Problem there was no card supplied with the vehicle, my dealer passed it to Subaru who contacted me and said the sat nav was pre loaded and there is no card. My question is how on earth do you update it, not being able to update your sat nav makes it pretty useless, ( perhaps you have to get a new car for the latest update ) Has anyone updated their sat nav if so how. My dealer is still scratching his head, this has been going on for 6 weeks. Can anyone see what their problem is, if so please tell me. Cheers Lou
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