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Everything posted by bbqchicken

  1. awesome idea i'll be driving from Hastings,
  2. Thanks guys :) so a bit has happened in a few weeks. The cars booked in to have the turbo swapped for a VF30! seems right for the power i want and for the price im happy. Have also got hold of some pink injectors and a new RCM fuel pump. JDM STI scoop and undertray are on the car and looks so much nicer! along with the STI spoiler im super pleased with how the car looks now, got a JDM intercooler spray kit too which i'll be installing on the weekend. Oh and i've also installed brand new headlights and Subaru badge which make the car look spot on! Car is booked for mapping with Duncan next Thursday, very excited :)
  3. Thanks for the reply guys, I've spoken with Duncan and the cars booked in next Thursday :)
  4. Could anyone point me in the direction of a good tuning company in the south east? Im on the coast in Hastings. Got a set of pink injectors, fuel pump, sti tmic and vf30 being installed this friday and so need it mapped :) thanks
  5. Anyone selling a VF35 turbo? Last piece in the puzzle for my bugeye upgrade.
  6. Ive just done the conversion on my bugeye but the converter i purchased also came with instructions for classics :) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400060708263?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Super super easy to install. I can upload pictures of mine and where i installed it if it helps mate?
  7. Oh also forgot to add i;ve installed a new touchscreen Pioneer headunit which looks loooooooovely :)
  8. Hello everyone! Been registered for a while and thought i'd do a little write up on my car, the things ive currently done to it and the long term plan. I've always been a Toyota fan boy and never really knew anything about subarus. I was planning to supercharge my already heavily modified Corolla T Sport but i ran into issues and the aftermarket ECU i purchased (AEM EMS4) just wasnt working with the rolling road guys and it really killed my enthusiasm for the car. I then by chance got a nice supercar taster gift from my partner, this was the first time ive ever driven a scooby... turned up and there were the usual dads queing up for the ferraris and lambos but i saw at the back was a blobeye STI sat there with the engine running with no one even remotly interested in driving it. I took a punt and drove it and it was the best decision of my life! From that point i knew id be departing Toyota for a Subaru! I really like the V7 bugeye shape so got a sligtly ropey WRX as i wanted a new project car i could throw money at rather than doing something sensible with it haha. and so i now own a 2001 Bugeye WRX thats slightly modified. The car when purchased was stock except for Look-a-like Prodrive OZ alloys, spoiler (not sure what type) remaped to 274bhp and some form of aftermarket exhaust. its a nice platform to build from as the car was cheap and looking a bit unloved. First thing i did to the car was give it a full service and overhaul the brakes. - Millers 10w40 - Fuel filter - HKS hybrid panel filter - NGK PFR7B plugs - Magnetic sump plug - Castrol Syntrans 75w-90 gearbox oil - oil coolant - HKS oil filter First thing i noticed about the car was that the brakes were a bit pants... So i swapped out the old discs for Mtec grooved and drilled discs with mintex pads. I used these discs on all my cars and never failed, last set were on for 3 years and covered 60k miles! I also changed all the brake callipes for brand new ones and upgraded the lines to Hel braided ones and changed the brake fluid to dot 5.1. So now the car can stop properly its time to do something else haha Then i eventually got a new set of headlights, i tried my best to clean up the old ones with a machine polisher but i think they were too far gone. Next i got hold of a JDM STI V7 scoop (atleast i think it is?) and a new STI style spoiler with brake light. These are currently in the paint shop and will be back on the car Friday where the car is also getting fully mopped and cleaned up for Japfest :D So now the car can brake properly and looks the part its time to sort out the power... Its only running 274 with just a mapped td04 currently but the target is to get that to around 330-350 (howether long the 5 speed will last for!) ive installed an imported STI TMIC and have sat in the boot in a box 4x STI injectors and new walboro fuel pump ready to install on the weekend. The only thing im stuck with is what turbo to go for? I kind of like the idea of a hybrid td04 for the faster spool up but a td05 and vf35 are also nice. Very sorry for banging on for ages! didnt mean to tell you my life story haha I've only got a few pants pictures at the moment but when the cars got the spoiler and scoop attached i'll take some better ones :)
  9. Hi all, just wondering if anyone has a JDM scoop for sale that'll fit the bugeye? I dont mind the colour or condition as i'll be refurbing it anyway. I've seen the one for sale on Japan Parts but was hoping there would be one for sale here in the UK :) P.S i've tried Ebay. Thanks!
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  10. Hi is it too late to buy some tickets? I'm only new with a Subaru but have been to Japfest before with my old Toyota clubs. Would like to bring me an 2 pals :)
  11. Hi guys, first post after buying my new 2001 WRX :) Cars been amazing but i have a slight issue i was wondering someone might be able to help me with? The car has a set of JDM STI dials installed but every now and then the speedo with drop to 0MPH and thus putting the car in a sort of limp mode so you can't go past 5kRPM. My only experience with JDM dials was in my old Celica and i had the same issue but the speedo just dropped to 0 and never worked again, turned out it was the speed converter that was knackered. Could this be the same issue? Many thanks in advance, Ryan
  12. Right so have a little update, will make a proper build thread when the car is working and have pictures :) Took the car to a Subaru specialist near where i live and showed me that the gasket on the turbo connecting to the downpipe had perished. So hopefully friday the turbo will be coming out and a new gasket going in and back to the land of boost and honey for me! Many thanks for the welcomes and help :) Look forward to going to club meets and starting my own thread.
  13. Thanks :) Yes its definitely a wooshing noise and not like a metallic grinding or whistling noise, ive heard a VW with the turbo on it going and doesn't sound anything like that. Im just hoping i havent done anything stupid and damaged something. The car drives absolutely flawlessly off boost though and even on boost drives fine, just doesnt make PSI higher than 9-10 so doesnt feel as quick. I've been living with the Toyota 2ZZ engine for almost 5 years now so under the bonnet of the WRX is all new to me haha.
  14. Hi! Been wanting a Subaru for years now and finally on Saturday my dream came true and i got my hands on a 2001 Bugeye WRX that has a turbo from the hawkeye model (according to the Subaru mechanic). The cars been amazing and pulls like a train! (dyno'd at 274bhp). Ive always been a Toyota guy and have had both Celica and Corolla T sports so boost is a new world for me haha Unfortunately after only a few days my scooby has developed an odd issue, which for me is ultra confusing as ive never owner a turbo before, but no doubt you guys will have a better understanding than me and hit me with the noob stick! The car is fitted with an aftermarket boost gauge, when i bought the car it was boosting at around 13-16 psi but now when on boost the car makes a loud "whooshing" noise and peak boost when flooring it is 9-10 psi. No CEL lights and the car out of boost runs absolutely perfect with no issues what so ever. The car use to really pull at 3.5k RPM but now it only kicks in around 4.5k and noticeably weaker :( I won't lie, after purchasing the car i did give it a bit of a hard drive, but made sure the car was warmed up properly and cooled down on the way home and left to tick over when parked up. Sorry to introduce myself and immediately have a problem! But look forward to getting to know everyone and going to meets :) Ryan
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