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  1. Cheers Stants, they're a bloomin' fortune as they have to be imported from the USA!!!
  3. Hi Guys, Anyone in the Glasgow area had their alloy wheels refurbished? Got a wee bit of rust under the back wheel arch that I'm getting seen to in the next few weeksas well as some small dents and scratches, then I'm gonna detail it (if we manage to get sonme dry weather in the Glasgow area) but the wheels are a bit flaked and tired looking so might treat them as well..... Cheers
  4. Cheers Mr B, sound advice as always. I take it these companies you mention are go to sites for all parts Forester?
  5. Hi Guys, Had to pay £426 yesterday for 120K service, MOT and rear Wheel bearing. The MOT advisory notes says there is some play in the front and rear suspension bushes though my own mechanic thinks they are fine and has thoroughly tested them. Can anyone advise if this is an expensive repair job? Cheers
  6. Hi Guys, In the next 8 weeks or so I will be getting my 2008 2.0L Diesel Forester MOT'd and serviced. The car currently has 118,000 miles on it (112,000 when I bought it in March this year and that includes trips from Clydebank to Manchester and Newcastle, so I don't do heavy mileage) so my question is is the 120,000 service a biggy? Any advice on what my mechanic has to look for (he is not a Subaru specialist) and what the 120,000 mile service entails would be greatly appreciated. The engine surges at times when ticking over and my mechanic thinks this might be air getting into the system so any clues about what is causing this would again be appreciated. Many thanks as usual.......
  7. Hi Guys, Well that's me had the Forester for 7 months now and, apart from having to pay an arm and a leg on a pipe to fix the air con, I'm loving it!! It's a great car to drive, not like an SUV at all it is so smooth and light on the steering and at a normal 43.5 MPG I really can't complain - many thanks to those who took the time to highly recommend it to me all those months ago.... Just one wee question, I am starting to notice a very slight judder when taking off in first gear - not all the time, but noticable sometimes. Should I be starting to panic about possible clutch replacement or would you put it down to the fact that the temop has dropped drastically in the last week? It only seems to happen after start up for the initial few 1st gear engagements.
  8. Hi Mr B, Please excuse my ignorance, but is the dual mass flywheel a matter of choice or is it a standard part on some models. If it's just a normal kit I need I can get a Blueprint kit for £163 or a Sachs kit for £191, would either of these be OK? The garage I bought it from want to do an engine diagnostic as there is still excessive smoke from the exhaust, they will check the clutch at the same time - all free of charge....
  9. Morning all, I have just been told that my Forester will need a new clutch sooner than later (bite point very high an pedal very stiff - I thought it was just the way the set up was in this type of vehicle). I stay in the Glasgow area, has anyone any recommendations as to who to go to for a good, but reasonable job and how much am I looking at here to replace? Many thanks
  10. Hi Guys, Just wondered if anyone has had their Forester Re-Mapped and if so was the difference noticeable? Burroo
  11. Cheers Mr B, I've been putting the better diesel in the car and will continue to do so after this fuel additive thing is over. I've also got my own fuel additive that I can put in now and again to try and keep the injectors clear. I'll keep in mind the oil and filter, but it was just serviced whn I picked it up and my mechanic verified that it was new oil in the engine...
  12. Mr B, is that something I should be worried about?
  13. Sorry, just noticed that there is a Scottish section of the SOC - I'm from Clydebank.....
  14. Hi Tigdy, The only time I notice it is on start up - mostly in the mornings - I think that's why my mechanic was not unduly worried. Thing is I've been driving for 35 years now and some of them have been older cars but I have never experienced anything like this, sometimes it's like a James Bond smoke screen when I start it up in the morning!!
  15. Hi Guys, Well that's me 6 weeks into ownership of my Forester and still loving every minute of it - even surprised the missus last night bay asking if she wanted to go for a run cos it was a nice night - not something I've done in the past!! I have noticed what I percieve to be a problem though. On start up in the mornings and after work I notice a lot of white smoke coming from the exhaust, not every time - but enough to be noticable. I took the car back to the dealers who spoke to Subaru (apparently) and they sent up a special diesel additive to be used with a full tank of fuel. I was also given another bottle of this additive away with me to use on the next full tank of diesel and they reckon that will fix the problem. Don't get me wrong, my own mechanic was not overly worried about it and it certainly does not appear to be affecting the performance, but with 113K miles on the clock I am just a ween bit wary.... Any ideas? Burroo
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