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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. It's funny how i collided with the car yet i can't recall its color or anything :(
  2. I see plenty of you scoobs around that area, Hope one of you guys find it. I have a spare E3 ecu and some suspension struts and springs,,, All yours if you find it )
  3. Hey guys. If anyone spots a silver/grey or white car in or around Bourgh le Marsh croft Wainfleet area with passenger side damage please inform myself or the filth as the person who hit my wagon on the way out of Skegness hasn't come forward yet.. Accident happened on Sun 20/03/16 the car headed towards Croft. Thanks
  4. Hey Guys - Some toe rag hit my car today on the A158 Burgh le marsh straight heading from Skegness toward Gunby roundabout. The car was waiting to turn right towards Burgh, Wainfleet, and Croft and pulled out in front of me, I swerved to the opposite side of the road so didn't see the car or driver only that the car was light in colour (white,grey, silver). They drove off, a local guy from Wainfleet saw the driver and said it was an elderly lady. I have reported the accident to the police but would appreciate any locals who spot a light car with damage to the front passenger wing to report it to Skegness police with the accident number 193-20/03/2016. The car has been rescued and it is fixable. Photos attached :(! Thanks in advance for any information.
  5. Bought the donor car today for £100 Now where's my hammer? TPS first. To be continued...
  6. !Removed! That wasnt even a swear word but ok soc ;)
  7. Hey guys No Scoobyghost i havent done a self code check, I dont know that much about it all to be honest, but im always up for learning. i will heal this !Removed! car if its the last thing i do! TPS, Interesting, My mechanic has metioned this before. though he also said it was probably the map sensor, then the mas sensor, then the crank sensor then a bunch more stuff..The TPS will be my next port of call. A friend has informed me of a scoob with an identical engine that is being broken near me so i plan to go and see what i can get off it this weekend. If not i'll buy a new one and see what happens. Thanks for your comments :) any other ideas are welcomed. I will let ya'll know how i get on.
  8. Hello dudes. Im totally new to this site, Am having some mixed issues with my wagon and some random opinions would be great :) Ive had my Imprezza about a year now (Previous car was an old automatic volvo v4o lol) and have a number of things happen,, First was the insane kangarooing incident, a new map and mas sensor sorted it out though. Now im left with a power loss problem,but it only happens under certain circumstances. After nearly a year of living with it i even instinctively know when its about to f up. Ok here we go HELP MEEEEEEEEEE Typically after its first morning 5 mile spanking i drop a gear to take a corner and the throttle pedal goes dumb,My foot goes about halfway down on the throttle pedal before it kicks in and jerks like hell, I then have to change from fourth to either neighbouring gear (depending on the road conditions) and it seems happy, Though taking a corner in the wrong gear is just bad for all. It will then be a d**k jerking around and dumb throttle for while. This only ever happens when i let off the throttle.. If i accelerate at any time it runs perfectly :) But now I'm booting it everywhere rev matching like a millionaire and as fun as that is :) i drive quite a lot and can rack up quite the fuel bill. No fault/flash codes come up at the garage...Though i haven't tried a Subaru garage i have tried 3 reputable places and they're all stumped, Mainly because they can't even get the car to play up. I even took a mechanic for a ride to try and show him but of course bru was good that day so i don't even think the issue has been seen by anybody. If i leave my car to warm up properly in the mornings then often the fun and games will be delayed untill later in the day,but it always comes. If i disconnect the battery overnight then the car can run fine for 2 maybe 3 days,so maybe ecu software? The car as an after market exhaust so potential issues there maybe? Part of me wants to bin it and buy a better Scoob, but its a classic with the low box so would like to keep it alive. Oh yea and i love it to death now so there's that. Oh one final note, spent 5 months religiously on V power... didn't help. Thanks in advance for any comments.
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