Morning all,
Im having a few problems with my 2000 WRX Turbo after the weekend of fitting new parts, these parts include new knock sensor, new vapour canister, new crank shaft sensor, and new air filter.
These parts where changed as there was a VERY SLIGHT miss fire when around the 3k rev mark but she pulled through well enough after a second or 2. However, since fitting all the new parts there is a major "cough and splutter" that happens when pulling away at low revs (e.g. when at rolling speed in 2nd gear she bounces and kicks like crazy) the only thing left i can think it could be would be the ignition coil pack itself (the plugs and leads are all new this year) but i am a bit reluctant to do this as brand new they are around £200-£250 and I've just had to spend £600 on a vet bill for the dog.
has anyone else encounter this problem (the car not the dog) and what was done to fix it?
Many Thanks,