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    2004 impreza wrx sti ppp

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  1. Hi guys. Probally been asked a million and 1 times but each day someone has a new review and experience with their current set up of suspension. Im looking for a new set up as my standard set up have started to rust and 1 has a nice little hole in the bottom "cup" which holds the spring in place so needs replacing asap. So here goes... whats everyone got? Good points Bad points And of course, cost. And if you have different drop links, bushes etc etc please also include. My scooby is a 2004 impreza wrx sti Many thanks 😊
  2. What would you recommend if running over 350bhp?
  3. Update: I swapped the vapour canisters back and swapped a one way vacuum pipe to facing the other way (and messed about with a few other bits and bobs) last night in the dark with a tiny torch that cuts out every 5mins (was not a fun evening at all) and hey presto its working so far.... so not sure if it was the canister or the pipe but either way I'm a happy choppy this morning :) Thanks for the advice people
  4. sounds like a good idea my friend, this is the reason i always keep my old bits for a few weeks or even months sometimes, "just in case" lol I swapped the air filter over during my lunch break as thats the easiest and quickest to do so will test that on the way home
  5. trying to avoid that though mate can't afford it at the minute :( lol
  6. update the air filter is an induction kit with a silver universal cone filter which only allows air in from the top end (not the sides) could it not be getting enough air intake? should i buy another which has the "mesh" going all round to allow more air flow or shouldn't that cause a problem? as i say it was riding lumpy before all the new bits where fitted but now its gotten even worse :( please someone help :(
  7. Hey there and thanks :) Yes the ECU has been reset (disconnected the battery for few minutes) and all engine codes have disappeared..... (had the knock sensor code up but thats now gone)
  8. do you think it could be down to the MAF needing to be replaced? i gave it a clean out as it was covered in muck so its all shiny again now....?
  9. Morning all, Im having a few problems with my 2000 WRX Turbo after the weekend of fitting new parts, these parts include new knock sensor, new vapour canister, new crank shaft sensor, and new air filter. These parts where changed as there was a VERY SLIGHT miss fire when around the 3k rev mark but she pulled through well enough after a second or 2. However, since fitting all the new parts there is a major "cough and splutter" that happens when pulling away at low revs (e.g. when at rolling speed in 2nd gear she bounces and kicks like crazy) the only thing left i can think it could be would be the ignition coil pack itself (the plugs and leads are all new this year) but i am a bit reluctant to do this as brand new they are around £200-£250 and I've just had to spend £600 on a vet bill for the dog. has anyone else encounter this problem (the car not the dog) and what was done to fix it? Many Thanks, Turner.
  10. oh really? okay excellent cheers ghost, as i said before... I'm no mechanic lol
  11. looks like ill be taking the car apart at the weekend then lol cheers guys
  12. Hi guys me again. Sorry to be a pain i have looked for other threads and i found 1 with the same question but he never did say if he found out the answer or not haha I have a 2000 impreza WRX AWD turbo (not sure if that makes a difference or not) and i was wondering if anyone knows the sizes of the anti roll bar bushes as my back ones have seized and all the sites are showing 3 difference sizes.... 17, 19 and 21... any thoughts guys? as I'm not a mechanic i don't fancy taking it to a garage for them to strip it down have a look and then put it back together and charging me lol.
  13. Dont worry about it now guys, found a local garage thats got time.
  14. Morning guys, Just a quick one really i need to replace the front CV joints on my 2000 wrx and was basiclly wondering if anyone was about this weekend that can do them for me as my mechanic is busy all weekend and i need the car for work on monday. I could take it to a garage but they will charge a fortune so was wondering if anyone was about and wont charge that much? Located in Edenbridge, Kent. Thanks, Nick
  15. Yup going to give it another try in a little while and see if i have more luck as i had literally tried doing it as soon as i got back from work so something to eat and 10mins sit down might just help 😉
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