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Owenc2088 last won the day on November 14 2017

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  1. Managed to get a set of re-cons from a garage in Kent. £300 for the pair painted with a years warranty Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  2. Haha well I didn't do too bad. Won back some of my money ahaha just not quite top prize ahaha Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  3. Awesome brilliant. I'll give him a call tomorrow :-) Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  4. Need a pair of front calipers. Found mine falling apart this morning. I can rebuild a good set but these are literally more rust than metal. Needed urgently Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  5. If it's like mine. Open car without disarming alarm, set alarm off in the process, enter number, alarm turns off Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  6. This sounds awesome. You got a link to it? Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  7. So...... The time has come to bite the bullet...... Big end gave up the ghost on the old girl at 119K just let go on the motorway one weekend, I bought a second engine which has been its own whole dilemma, and now it looks like that is a dud (wrong engine the lot) So I'm going to rebuild the original engine. So the big question is what do I need? im looking at a full engine gasket set, bolt set, looking at a crank with main bearings/thrust bearing and big end bearings new head bolts, inlet and exhaust gaskets, Cam Belt with the view to re-use the new pulleys/tensioners oil and water pump I just installed. Inlet and Exhaust Guides, New Little end bearings with clips. anything im missing? apart from sense
  8. It's alive! LE Scoobies have fixed her. She's not perfect but I suspect that's something to do with the history (recent Included) of the engine. I'm going to talk to the previous garage. It cost me a **** tonne of money to just get a running engine. And it's still not right..... Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  9. So the car is now with LE Scooby. Turns out that the engine which was sold to me as a straight swap bolt in plug in run. Turns out it never had a chance. It's from a forester not an impreza as I was told by the garage. Fingers crossed this is the start of the end of a very expensive "adventure" Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  10. Well it's now in sunny spondon in my garage as of today. Haha gave her a clean (she's been sat on the farm for a while) and she's of to L E Scoobie tomorrow afternoon. After speaking to a couple of garages I suspect it's an inlet manifold leak. Was going to test it with some brake cleaner but not had the time Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  11. Unfortunately I don't have the required license to tow a trailer big enough for this. I've got breakdown. Think I'm going to try and get it recovered back to my home so I can work on it. Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  12. I'm based in derby. But the car is currently in Southampton. I could get the car recovered to derby tonight. It's running again now but misfiring. Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  13. Welcome to the club. Don't think I've seen many yellow Scoobies. You'll have to share a picture soon. Stokes not far from me. Always up for a cruise sometime :-) Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  14. WE HAVE PROGRESS!!!!! soooo happy. My brother has saved my assed. Turns out the ECU is looking for a crankshaft signal of - - - - ------- - - whereas the one of the new engine goes - - - - - - now I'm sure that would be a significant issue to a rather confused ECU. Good job I still had the cambelt water pump and oil pump waiting to go on :-) Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
  15. Cars not running so has to be towed. Bournemouth is a little far. I'm right between Portsmouth and Southampton Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
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