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    wrx turbo

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  1. They are a bit heavier and dished out unlike the standard wheels which are flush someone said to the wife today that i should put them on and check allignment if they stick out further than the standard but dont see that making a difference
  2. Brand new alloys and tyres we have checked balance and rotation but all OK my son's coming down tomorrow with his subaru so go in to try his 18s on to see how they go the clonking is at low speed so I'm stumped £800 down the drain I think thanks
  3. But it does its so bad you don't get out of first gear my mate has 245 x40 x18 so go in to try them tomorrow if that doesn't work will have to try n sell wheels there new with new tyres so hopefully get them sold I'm booked in for remap on Thursday so hope it works better than changing wheels lol never had this hassle with wheels before and this is my 5th subaru
  4. I've put on 225x40x18 sorry for taking so long to reply was away all weekend my mate had an 08 hatch the same as mine but had no problems with 18s on but they were on when he bought it is there anyway to fix it
  5. Hi can anyone help I've just changed from 17 inch alloys to 18inch and it's like it affecting front diff because it's clonking and when I put 17inch alloys on it stops local garage baffled you only need to be going over 5mph and it starts clonking even in reverse it's like car doesn't like them
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