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  1. Cheers all lambda sensor was the cause.. now to try find one
  2. Will give it a go tomorrow and get back to you cheers mate
  3. Yea it still has a cat mate I had a closer look at the lambda sensor tonight it's not welded in plus the wires arenot connected I duno why this is but I suspect that this is my problem
  4. It's still in its same location I'm unsure why it has been welded in possible the previous owner messed the thread up and welded it I'm thinking about changing that section of exauste to save me cutting it out
  5. Runs worse with maf unplugged... code is saying lambda sensor...looks like previous owner had a problem with it as the one on mine has been welded in for some reason
  6. I done a manual diagnostic it's flashing 32 witch is lambda or oxygen sensor would any of these cause the car to hesitate after 3k revs? ?
  7. Looking to swap my cone filter for a standard box. Filter bought 4 month ago sounds great... Binned my old filter box like a idiot. Looking for a standard air box for a 2000 wrx I need the car back to standard to trade it in hence the reason I'm swapping it
  8. Help ..... So I bought my car drove perfect the day I bought it. Next day the car started fine ticked over normal drove the car fine until I tryed to go over 3000rpm bad hesitation loss of power so I kept it under 3000rpm and I got it home. Left it till the next day drove perfect for 60 mile but started to hesitate at 3000rpm rpm so again I got it home. I have disconnected all the air hoses and refitted them Removed and cleaned the maf Car still runs badly! !!! Wot next ???
  9. Running like s#@t again stuttering at 3k rpm misses backfires 😣😣
  10. Help anyone. My subaru ticks over fine with abs illuminated due to it needing a new sensor. But when I pull away check engine light comes on and off when accelerating and de acelirating when I come to a stop the light goes off any ideas ?
  11. Seems too have worked car boosts no hesitation will take it a good run tomorrow
  12. That's the filter that's on it mate
  13. Removed maf cleaned it just about to refit it here's hoping
  14. There is a filter on it don't know what kind previous owner fitted it
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