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Everything posted by Wolfy

  1. Are the STI alloy lateral arms a straight swap on the 2006 WRX? I have read that I may need a Sti sway bar and end links to match, but I wanna make sure it’s definitely possible before I go out and buy anything. thanks
  2. Yeah I thought it was a long shot someone knowing, not exactly the type of thing you need to worry about usually. They aren't pictured with them, so I should have known really. But yeah, I'll see about going to the store - thanks, appreciate it. Incase anyone else runs into this issue or are thinking about buying these rods: Unless you've managed to remove your old jam nut or are willing to hunt down the right nut, I wouldn't recommend 555 inner tie rods. With that said, if I have any luck, I will update this post to save someone else the hassle.
  3. Here's a few pictures in case I'm being a dumbass
  4. I got myself some 555 inner tie rods, but have just noticed there's no jam nut. Does anyone know the size of the nut? My old rods went in the bin months back, otherwise I would have tested those.
  5. Thanks! Yeah, I'm using copper nickel, not too bad to work with, to be honest. I put on the oem style union on - time will tell if I did anything wrong. I need to tidy the pipe up a bit, but I've had enough for today.
  6. The shorter one was sold as a short shoulder union and the longer as a long shoulder union, so I'm just going off that - and the fact the longer one won't screw onto the lines. I purchased some without the shoulder, which appear to be identical to the OEM ones. I'm bypassing the junction box under the car and connecting the pipe under the back seat, as well as replacing the lines. Do you know why the new line has what appears to be a flat surface of sorts for the shoulder? The old brake lines didn't have this.
  7. Problem solved. Short shoulder unions did the trick!
  8. Hey everyone, I am in the process of running new lines in the rear on my '06 Impreza, but have ran into an issue with the unions. I'm using 3/16 pipe with M10x1mm unions, but for some reason, after I have made the double flare, the unions will not screw onto the brake line or the junction box - well they do, but no more than one thread. If I tighten any further, it just unscrews itself. I have since learned that there is such thing as a short and long shoulder union. I believe the only difference is the thread length - is this true? If this is the case, surely, I would just have more thread exposed? I'm thinking about cutting my losses and just buying oem lines, to be honest. That leads me to another issue... the securing clips seem to be unobtainable. Does anyone know where you can get them? Or even the size of clip needed given the oem lines have plastic over them. Thanks in advance - I'll add pictures of the unions and what not.
  9. Good afternoon all, So I decided to change the brake fluid yesterday, and well, It did not go to plan... I ended up snapping my rear inner Brembo nipple, as well rounding off the outer one, bearing in mind I gave them both a good torch and a blast of WD40. Thankfully, the rest loosened all ok. The pedal, however, does not feel safe at all. With that said, I had the Mrs assist with the brake pumping... Turned out she was doing it all wrong, and by this point, It was too dark to start over, so I called it a day. I'm not free to work on the car again until next weekend, so I'm yet to see if bleeding only 3 calipers will suffice until I figure out what to do. Drilling the nipple is an option, but from what I've heard, it's 50/50. The other option would be to buy another set of Brembos, but people on eBay are wanting stupid money. Whilst moving the car though, I noticed I now have this strange creaking noise from the front right Brembo when I apply the brake. I'm not too sure how to properly describe it, but it sounds similar to over tightening a piece of wood in a vice. Any ideas? Anyway, this is getting a bit of a long winded read, would it be possible to fit WRX 4 pot calipers onto the rear?
  10. If anyone needs some brake pins and clips for brembos... 06-07 WRX are identical to the STI ones. Maybe that’s obvious, but eBay and a few other places said they’re not. You could save yourself £50 or more 😁
  11. Got the car in the air, rubber piping was knackered. Sorted now 😁
  12. Thanks for the reply. Could you elaborate please. What am I looking for? I’ll have to check later but I can’t remember seeing any pipes under there last time I had all that out. Here’s a photo to give you and everyone an idea of my issue.
  13. Hey everyone, I've just put the car back on the road after it being stored away over the winter. An hour into the Sunday night drive, I notice a fuel leaking coming from the rear left wheel. It is only leaking while stationary. After jacking it up, It appears to be coming from one of the three pipes located right near the tank, most likely the middle one. My idea at the moment is to remove the pipes, give them a clean and replace the current spring clips with jubilee clips. If anyone can give me any suggestions or advice, It be much appreciated.
  14. Here's mine that I fitted last week. Love the look
  15. Thanks for that! Here's what I've found: https://www.importcarparts.co.uk/parts-info?id=13400&cat=96&sub=183&sec=403&var=26&dc=0&gen=&searchKey=&searchPart= I see why the dude didn't buy them now, I expected them to be like £20 max.
  16. Afternoon everyone, So I just picked up some mint looking brembos. Unfortunately, the pad pin kit wasn't included (I knew this, I just didn't realise how difficult it would be to grab some new ones). I can't seem to find them anywhere online either... eBay only seem to do the wrx ones, scoobyparts don't have em and few other places I've checked don't either. I did find a place over in the states, but they want $90! Can anyone help me, please? :D
  17. MOT due and I need a cat since the last owner didn't include one. If anyone could lead or sell me one then it be much appreciated - I have a Prodrive system fitted Thanks in advance
  18. Morning everyone, Currently sorting the car out for the winter (Perhaps a tad late) but I'm stumped on what coolant to use. I'm aware it needs to be a non-silicate, non-phosphate and non-amine type. A few of the old forums suggest Subaru long life, but I can't find that stuff anywhere. To be honest, I thought coolant was coolant Anyhow, if someone can help me out with a link or recommendations to some coolant that would be sold in/on Halfords, eBay, Amazon, Europarts or somewhere like that, then I'd massively appreciate it. Oh! And also, how much does it take to fill?
  19. This is interesting. I have a similar issue. Sometimes, I lose all power as the turbo spools; I get major backfire then all the boost hits at once. It's quite thrilling, to be honest, but obviously isn't normal. For some reason my car hates V-power, despite the fact it was mapped on that, it just prefers 97 Ron from Esso and only from Esso.
  20. I'm with Stuartie - make sure they have proof of the mods. I found mine on eBay, took a mate that had better knowledge than myself, so all went well. I'd have to agree with mattb too - find a standard one, ideally an STI, you won't regret it over a WRX
  21. Completly forgot to update this! Turned out just to be the bearing that needed to be replaced, took the garage two days and cost £170. I'd love to say that's all my problems sorted but once I had that fixed, my CV joint started making a racket
  22. So my driver's side driveshaft has recently started making a racket, so I am just going to replace both sides but was wondering if there are any uprated ones available? And if possible, what sort of prices would I be looking at for an OEM in comparison. eBay has a fair few on there, but most are second hand.
  23. Ah, hopefully I get lucky. It's bad timing for car to start playing up on me. Thanks for the heads up though, appreciate it! I'll give everyone an update once it's sorted, might help someone in the future
  24. That's all I need! How long were you driving on it with a bad bearing though? I forgot to mention, it's my rear drivers side bearing. I haven't drove it since finding out. Got it booked in for Saturday, fingers crossed it's just the bearing
  25. It turns out it's my driver's side wheel bearing. The wheel is bearly attached! Ball ache as it's something I can't-do myself.
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