Hello to all,
I Have just become a new member and this shall be my first Subaru, hopefully, I've gone with a blinder!
I've just paid for and am waiting for delivery of a 2005 2.5 XTE with PPP @ 65000miles to arrive, and I can wait.
It's been three years since I've had any sort of power, First, a Japanese car fan, having had a 16.vti civic and then the notorious 1.0 12v twin cam Dai charade GTti.
A few years later I moved onto straight 6s, having an E30 325i and then an E36 323i, until the unexpected, now wife came along. Sold up everything, including the workshop and made do with a Skoda Fabia for 3 years!!!!!! Until now.
The Fabia got T-boned by and off duty copper,,,,, oh the irony! and now since she wants a little one, my excuse was a fast family wagon,,,,,I now am fast again!!!!
It'll be nice to get to know a few of you and hopefully grab some tips on the way through, besides the extent of research I have done, purely through excitement.
In the words of Slough from Goonies!!!! eh, you Guys!!!!
P.S will post pics, as soon as she arrives!