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  • Birthday March 1

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  1. its a year 2000 turbo, i already have 4 pot calipers, so the upgrade from this would be the sti brake kit, if alloys have to be 18" then this wont be a issue as far as i was aware sti 2004 or before was 17" but eather way wheels wont be a problem i just mainly need to understand the fitment for the caliper as iv seen this is the best action to take to make the breaking a better experience, rule one make more power you need to make better stopping power
  2. hi all i have a classic gc8 impreza took it for tracking today and reliesed that i have a siezed N/S front caliper now im gonna do the same thing i did with my turbo ifit brakes i upgrade bow iv read about and found some info that i can put the sti bremo calipers and discs on without much issue as long as i stay in the years 2004 or below as they will fit 5x100 and also have the same caliper mountings as for alloys and clearance for the nee size discs this is not a issue as i have aftermarket wheels which will fit these is this info correct before i make a purchase on a full set front and rear? any help would be much grearful
  3. yeah sounds like a ongoing challenge people are having, getting people togeather, i go to santa pod twice a year, think the next one is the family flaming thunder were a few cars go up, and camp
  4. nice well hopefully where i have done all the work in one massive sweep it will decesamate the overall end figure, as mentioned earlyer im happy to hit the 300bhp mark i dont think its a massive jump to reach, im more than likely going with andy forrest , eather way i will be sharing the end result and keep every one posted, on another note does any one know if any meets happen down the south as i live near portsmouth as i would love to actually try a meet for the subaru family shall i say?
  5. hi rps i think the word frag probably scared me a little as this would be my first experience with a remaper im still considering all options but it deffo needs one soon as i cant look at it any longer with out driving it and enjoying it after all the hard work that my self and girlfriend has done,
  6. hi stevie thanks for your advice i will check him out of he still doing remaps, sounds like he knows his stuff.
  7. Nah that's good to hear - iv spoken to another company Scooby clinic I think it was and had a chat with those guys and they explained to me there is a chance that when you remap the ecu the mappers can frag it by accident in other terms messed up your ecu and then your screwed and have to pay for a replacement or a piggyback ecu apparently this happens often so that's why he gave me a heads up, me not so confident now With that info I related it to andy forrest and he explained this is not a common issue at there branch and I should not have any issues but please bear in mind there is a chance this may happen still Any One on here had any issues with there ecu from having it professional mapped
  8. thats the one thats how i had a convostaion with him, pretty smart i thought, hopfully i should have any issues iv had no problems to the advise he has given me so far, just meed to save the pennies to get it done as its not cheap
  9. surrey rolling road is rented out to a guy called? andy i think and he travels to do the maps between places just like jolly green moster use to do, you sound like you have experience from there, any info or advice with regards to a place to have it mapped would be much appreciated
  10. her are more photos to browse through wont be in order and car was silver before as you can see below
  11. Tidgy Exactly that I'm not ricking blowing a whole through my engine - she is in safe hands bro, if I could wrap her in bubble wrap I would haha
  12. I was Wondering about the boost but due to the turbo upgrade I had no choice to take off the boost solenoid because it could not control the pressure no more so when I spoke to Surrey rolling road they advised to scrap the genuine one keep it harnessed in until I arrive at the shop as that will keep all lights off dash which has worked great I have not stuck it in boost properly until the remap is done, but was told to get a manual one and set to standard pressure until he configures the car, The car is garaged and is not my day to day.
  13. Hi Beags Currently so far I have done the following Full Engine Rebuild uprated intercooler uprated Turbo 20g uprated fuel pump and regulator coil overs all round with pillow ball top mounts Strut Braces (under body) + engine turbo back exhaust Bov Boost Controller there is so many photos and more that I have done in the 6 month period This is ready for its remap at surrey rolling road in the next month Really excited to see what figure she will push, I'm not that fused about power compare to reliability so as long as I hit the 300 figure I will be happy :)
  14. Sirspidey I Live near Portsmouth
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